Friday, June 29, 2007

A Little Blog Housekeeping...

I decided today that my Blog over at Blogspot was boring.... or maybe I was just bored with the look since I hadn't changed it in a while. With these thoughts lurking in the back of my mind I was playing in Photoshop Elements when I realized I had the perfect 'brush' to make a Heading Graphic with. So.... Tada! LOL! I do love playing with Templates, but it can be tedious. I'm just starting to figure out the new 'widgets' on the new blogs. It took me about 2 hours from the time I said, "Gosh, I'm bored with the Spring Flowers" till I was able to put this up.

Now to answer a few questions:

About the Crowds picture for the Monday Photo Shoot.... No, I don't have any pictures without animals ;p   Not really, but it is always fun to try and interpret the picture so I can use an animal shot.... It's kind of become a tradition and wouldn't all of you be disappointed if I didn't? LOL!

Several people asked about the spider in the Wordless Wednesday entry.... Ummmm.... I wasn't sure what kind of spider it was, so I asked G. He says it is a young Banana Spider. I had only noticed the big ones before I guess ::shrug:: To those of you who this creeped out... SORRY! Ummm.... The web is actually right over the top of the barrels I store my grain in. Just above my head I leave it because I figure he/she eats flies, and it doesn't bother me so I don't bother it!

To the people who commented on the Summer Vacation entry and saying that they didn't think I looked 46... Well, I was, but just barely. That picture was taken the last week in May and I actually turned 47 the first week in June. But, I WAS only 46  when the picture was taken. As for the others that commented about none of us looking the ages I listed (except for my Grandson, of course)..... All I can say is THANK YOU!... and Blush a little. I guess I'll just rack it up to good genes LOL!

I have a cool entry planned for John's Weekend assignment...... Stay Tuned!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering all of our questions. NOW I know what a banana spider looks like.  You STILL don't look your age and that is just wonderful!   Anne

Anonymous said...

You are a beauty no matter what age you are.. I will be 47 in August!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen anyone's blog (your Blogspot one) have a list that long of other's journals......

that I'M not on at all.    Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!    : (


Anonymous said...

It's o.k. Nancy... I was getting the AOL alerts for your journal and just hadn't added it to my Blogllines account. I just added it and you'll see your name now. Now I just need to go and turn off the entry alert from AOL (Don't need both! <LOL>) I definitely need to do some 'Bloggline Housekeeping'. A lot of those links aren't good anymore, but since I don't have to click each one it didn't bother me that they were sitting there. Now that they are on my blog I'll have to weed out the bad ones! I also need to do the same thing with my links on my AOL Journal sidebar. There are bad links there and there are some blogs that I need to add.... It's just never ending! ;p

Anonymous said...

I've noticed something since you are 'up and running' well these days.  You seem perkier!  As if you could be.  LOL