Sunday, December 26, 2004

A late Christmas Update

Yep, I know it's already the day after Christmas... actually, as I look at the clock on my computer, it is almost the day after the day after Christmas <bg>.

Wednesday night I made fudge to give out as presents to friends and G's co-workers. After Previewcounting up how many people there was, I went to Wal-Mart and bought all of the ingredients, and proceeded to make 15 pounds... yes, pounds... of fudge. I made 9 pounds of chocolate (the most requested), and 6 pounds of Peanut Butter (my personal favorite). This is a recipe that has been passed down from my Gram, to my mom, to me. People seem to like it. I have one friend who asks that I not buy her anything, that I just bring her a whole batch (3 pounds) of the chocolate fudge <LOL>. It's actually a pretty easy recipe. The secret is that you don't skimp on the ingredients. Good butter. No off brand Chocolate or peanut butter. Real Vanilla....

See this beautiful wrapping job and the nice bow? Well, G had my present wrapped at the mall, so I wouldn't get a chance to peek. Did I mention that hePreview didn't get my present till Thursday when we were out delivering fudge to friends and his co-workers? He announces on the way home that we need to stop at the mall so he can 'pick something up'. My eyes must have gone 3 sizes bigger... The Mall... On the day before Christmas Eve... at 3 in the afternoon????? Was he nuts??? Apparently, he was. So, we made a stop at the mall. As you can imagine, it was mayhem. But, kind of fun for me as I was finished with my shopping and just hanging out.

It used to be a tradition for me to pick up a dated ornament each year for my tree before I went on Previewthe road. So, I found a couple while I was waiting. They were buy one, get one 1/2 price. Since I found 3 I wanted <g>, I picked out a fourth one so that I could add it to my brother and SIL's present as I wasn't sure about the afghan! The pictures of the ornaments in this entry are the 3 I picked for my tree.

G. and I went to my brother's on Christmas Eve for everyone to open up their gifts. It was nice being around everyone. I was a little worried that the
afghan I was giving my brother and SIL wouldnt match their living room, or that they wouldn't like it, but my worries were unfounded. It found an immediate place on the back of the couch, and matches very well. Everyone kept going on about how soft it was (I had found some really soft thread in muted colors), and how heavy <LOL>. There is an awful lot of yarn in that thing. Instead of one strand, I held 3 strands as I made it. I meant to get a picture, but forgot... I'll do it next time I'm over Previewthere. My brother video tapes the kids opening their gifts, and has since they were small. He and I took turns videoing the opening of the presents so he could open his too.

We took my presents to G with us to my brother's, but he wanted me to open mine at home later, which is what I did. It turned out to be 2 satin pajama sets. One a pretty royal blue short (mid thigh) nightie with spaghetti straps and a robe. The other was a black pants/shirt set. They were very pretty... And I love them... (but, I am a Geek, and I would have loved ZooTycoon2 also <LOL>)

I got G 2 movies (Arthur and Shrek2), a game for his PS2 (an older one so it wasn't $50 <sigh> ) called Champions of Norrath, a lady bug massager for his back that vibrates (to save my fingers <LOL>), and a bottle of Drakkar cologne (which I love the smell of!). My brother got him the Star Wars gift box with the first 3 movies remastered on DVD (Actually episodes 4, 5 & 6 for those of us who are geeks <g>). Oh, here's a cute note. My brother and family got us 2 joint presents -- a set of pretty blue dishes, and two of the cutest piggy banks (one a tiger for me and an elephant for G. --I'll post pictures one day). But, only G got a present to himself <LOL> They are MY family! But, they just love G to death.
Morgan, went with us on Christmas Eve, and we have the video to prove it. She tried to help everyone with their presents. The Santa Moose picture in this entry was one of her presents... Isn't he cute?? He squeeks, and his legs are stretchy.

Christmas Day, G had to work. He had volunteered so that one of his co-workers, who has 2 little (4 and 18 months) girls, could be home with his family. When he got home we went over to my brother's and had our Christmas Dinner... MMMMMMmmmmm! And my SIL made everything from scratch, unlike
my Thanksgiving Meal <LOL>. She and my brother between them are actually very good at making this type of meal. Hey, I never claimed to be domestic!

Today, G. was really sick. He went to work, but returned in a couple of hours. Poor thing. So, he's been sleeping and watching his movies today. (Wish he would open his game... I want to play <LOL>). Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow

sidenote: As I moved this from my Test Journal over here to my 'real' Journal, I realize that it is 5 minutes after Midnight... So, it IS the day afer the day after Christmas <LOL>

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Weekend Assignment #40

Weekend Assignment #40: It's my daughter Athena's sixth birthday today. Celebrate by sharing a story from when you were six.

Extra Credit: No extra credit this week -- I figure most of you will be busy enough the next couple of days, right?

Hmmmm... I don't always participate in the 'weekend assignments' because often I can't think of anything to write <LOL>, but on occasion I hit one that I actually can become involved in.

So, without futher ado.... One of my memories of being 6!

Some of my earliest memories are of my mother Previewsitting in her chair in the living room crocheting while we went about watching TV, or playing. I was always fascinated by the beautiful lace that she seemed to form right out of the air. Her creations could be lacy doilies, warm scarves, pieces of clothing or snuggly afghans.

One Christmas, when I was about 6, my mother was asked by my step-aunt if she could make her a 'doily' for her dining room table. My mother agreed to make the 'doily', and set about locating a pattern. Since my Aunt's dining room was a very formal one, my mother decided that she would do something a little fancier than her normal doily patterns. My mother took several patterns that she liked and she combined them and wrote up her very own pattern on a sheet of paper. She worked many, many nights. The little spools of thread, disappeared, and the tablecloth grew.

When she finished the tablecloth, it didn't look like the lovely lacy creations that I had seen her make before, in fact I thought it looked very clunky and ugly... How could my mother , who could create such beautiful things, have made THIS??

But, I was yet to see a Holiday miracle! My mother took a large piece of plywood, a little larger than the round table my Aunt used, and she placed this lump of thread on it. And, she started to wet it with starch... and stretch it here... and place a glass under there... and some crumpled up paper here... and more starch. and more stretching... and behold, as the 'lumps' were made to stand up and become ruffles and ridges and standing rows. The awful, ugly thing became beautiful and airy and lacy and all of the things I had come to expect from my mothers wonderful hands.

We transported this now wonderful creation to my Aunt's still on it's temporary board in the back of our family car... with my brother and I crouched beneath it <g>. Needless to say, my Aunt was immediately captivated by what appeared to be a creation of air and light. 

I haven't seen this Aunt in years as she was relatedPreview to me by marriage, and after my mother's divorce I have rarely seen her. I asked my brother (who is her actual nephew) yesterday if he knew what had become of this tablecloth. He said that my Aunt still cherishes it and that her daughters often comment on which one of them should receive this beautiful heirloom. I was happy to hear that it was still being used and treasured.

graphics from

Thursday, December 23, 2004

To All My Friends in J-Land


Just wanted to take a couple of moments and wish everyone in J-land a Happy Holiday!

PreviewIn my travels I've noticed many of you who are happy with your now (or soon to be) White Christmases... And others who either envy you ... or think you are insane. Myself I would like to offer up my idea of the perfect Christmas morning....




Just a couple of quick Holiday links you may enjoy on your journeys thru cyberspace... JibJab has done for Santa what they did for the election... Check it out here (remember, this is JibJab and may not be suitable for all audiences...)

Steve, of (Sometimes Photo Blog) has left all of us a place to leave Holiday Greetings Here... Please stop by his Blog and give him a thanks.. He is a talented young man.Preview

And last, but not least, don't forget to keep track of Santa on Christmas Eve. Norad offers us the Santa Tracker for just that purpose... Let's hope he doesn't end up like this <LOL>

Finally, My wish for everyone in J-Land.... A Wonderful Happy Holiday and a Bright and Shining New Year!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Celebrations of Light & Hope

PreviewToday is the shortest day of the year... and the longest night. It is the first day of Winter. It is the celebration of Yule. It is an acknowledgement of Hope. That Light and Warmth and other good things will always return after the darkness. It is the day that G. and I celebrate as our personal Winter Holiday. In ancient times, this was the festival of the rebirth of the new god and a promise that after today the days would get longer, the nights would get shorter, and warmth and Spring WOULD come.

Yes, secularly we, like so many others, celebrate Christmas. In the United States, Christmas is no longer just a religious holiday. With the gift giving, and Santa, and the decorations... Christmas has become more, and less, than what was originally intended. Everyone takes the pieces and parts of the holiday that works for them. Some embrace the religious parts, and try to ignore how secular it has become... others embrace the secular with it's parties, lights, Santa, and presents and ignore any religious beginnings of the holiday. But, at it's heart, it is still a Winter Holiday.. A celebration of Hope. And every religion/belief system seems to have a celebration of some type that embraces this.

I grew up in the States, and therefore my memories of a Winter Holiday include all of the above. And Christmas itself is as much a melting pot as the United States itself. The Christmas tree is German, and Santa is the culmination of a blend of traditions from many countries. Mistletoe? Druid. Christmas Cards? England. You see what I mean. G. and I will be celebrating with my brother and his family on Christmas Eve at his house. That's the day we all have off together. Christmas Day G. is working so a co-worker can be home with his small children for the Santa Claus ritual <g>.

I think what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't Previewmatter who you are, or what your core beliefs are... There is a place in the Winter Holidays for all. But, please, take a moment this season, whether you celebrate Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Yule, or Christmas, to remember that the REAL reason for all of these celebrations is to celebrate HOPE in all of its forms

graphics by useless graphics

Monday, December 20, 2004

Where Did December Go??....

Well, First I guess I should tell everyone why I've been away so much since last week.... I got a part time job! It's not much, only a few hours most Previewweeks, but it will get me out of the house <g>. I took a class last Tuesday on how to deal Blackjack, and apparently I did well because they offered to let me deal both Friday and Saturday of this last week!

I think I would have been more nervous than I was if real money was involved, but luckily, it isn't. This is one of those 'Casino Party' things. They give everyone at the party 'chits' that are each worth 5000 chips. Usually there is a charity involved, and if they want more chits they can donate to the charity and get more chips. Soooo, since no one is actually gambling with their own money everything is very laid back and a lot of fun. I wasn't sure I would like it, but it turned out I had a great time. It isn't something I'll ever make any real money at, but it's fun and only 4 hours at a time. It's also an on-call thing. You call in at the beginning of the week, they tell you what's available, and then YOU decide if you want to take any of the slots... kind of neat since you CAN make other plans if you need to.


In addition, of course I am also trying to finish up our holiday stuff. I am such a procrastinator this year. Usually I have all of my shopping basically done by the first week in Dec if not before. Tree and Previewdecorations go up the weekend of Thanksgiving (sometimes even the night of <g>). Cards are sent out the next weekend after Thanksgiving... and the only thing I have to finish up is making candy, which I don't want to do until closer to the holidays so it will be fresh. This year.... well, let's just say I still have a couple of gifts to pickup, the only decorating I did was the tree, and well I haven'tmade the first batch of candy yet..Oh yeah, and I'm mailing the cards tomorrow. (I hope they actually GET there by Christmas <sigh>) I don't know why I haven't gotten into the Holiday spirit this year, but I just didn't.

What else has kept me busy?? Well, I have waaaaay to many Journals on alert (I've even managed to comment on a few of those), the J-Land Bar & Grill Previewand regular message boards have been humming, my e-mail has been full of Holiday stuff, and some days I'm lucky just to get thru that stuff <LOL>. But, I must say I've so enjoyed the Journals lately. The pictures, and stories, and just plain hearing about people enjoying (well mostly <g>) the Holidays. Some of the stories have been heart-warming, some funny, and a few sad... but all touching. I'm so glad that these people have decided to share pieces of their lives with us. Sometime I feel like my friends in J-land and the rest of cyberspace are more real than the people next door! <bg>

Graphics from Useless Grapics

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree....


Whew.... It's finally done. Seems like it took forever to put my tree up this year, but you know there is a story behind it.... (with us there always seems to be a "story behind it" <eg>)

Remember the entry I made a few days back about the cute little kitten I got, that wasn't very cuddly?? Well, her first Christmas she was about 4 months old. I put up my tree like always, and she took it down.... multiple times! Finally, I gave up and took the tree down myself. For the next couple of years my roommate and I made do with a smaller version of a Christmas tree.

PreviewNow, this was a very annoying tree! I don't know if anyone will remember them or not, but they were called "Singing Christmas Trees". They were about 3 feet tall and looked like an undecorated miniture tree... till you walked past. They had a noise/motion detector in them. When set off, eyes would pop open and a mouth would appear and it would sing Christmas songs...cute the first 5 or 6 times. After a while, we turned it off unless someone who hadn't seen it was around. This is the tree I used for the next 8 years (5 years of which I was living in a train room and being small it fit really well <g>).

So, the first thing I said after Halloween was that I wondered how D.K. would deal with a Christmas tree now. G was less concerned with her than with Morgan, who is still basically a puppy at only 1 1/2 years old. Well, I was adament that I wanted a big tree.

The day after Thanksgiving I bought a tree, when put up a couple of days was discovered that it had a short in the "prelit" strands of lights. On the weekend, G took it back and exchanged it. Again I put the tree together...and Yeah! The lights work AND they stayed lit. Now, being the cautious person I am, we decided to leave the tree up with just lights for the next few days. Three days, and no one offered to climb/chew/demolish the tree, so today I drug out my box of ornaments.

That was 8 years ago that D.K. caused me to take down my last "big" tree. These ornaments have been in storage since then. It was almost like Christmas opening up the box and going thru the ornaments and other things I had packed away. I had forgotten how many neat ornaments I have. Many of them are Hallmarks, but some are from obscure shops/craft shows/and even a few from my artistic efforts overthe years!

So, I thought I would post a picture of our tree.... and one of Previewmy favorite ornaments. Iwill post more pictures of favorite ornaments  over the next few days.What fun!

Oh yes, side note: Both Morgan and D.K. watched me while I decorated the tree, but neither offered any "help" until I started to put the icicles on. Hmmmm... shiny silver things hanging down and waving. So far, neither one has done more than sniff the icicles that are on the bottom branches, but we will see. I did have to catch D.K. and help her "remove" a couple of icicles that stuck to her head!

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Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Quirkiest News Stories of 2004

This time of the year (and on thru January), we will be seeing a lot of these lists.... Lists of Most Fascinating People, Movies, or News Stories....

This particular list catches my eye every year because the stories are usually along the lines of the "Truth is Stranger Than Fiction"
Quirkiest News of 2004: Flatulent Fish and BeyondPreview
Lots of interesting things here.... Cloned cats, lobsters urinating in each others faces, naked sports & plenty of partying, exscaped snakes vieing with alligators in the Everglades, Alien contact, "living" computers, and farting herrings. Something for eveyone <eg>.

And, tonight on ABC we have the Barbara Walters Special
The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2004
At least according to Barbara.

I don't always agree with the lists, or the people who make them, but they do make you think about the last year. The people, and events, both public and private, that made this year different from any other.... and worth remembering (or not <g>).

Monday, December 6, 2004

A Present for Cindy Lou Who...



At this time of the year, I go out looking for presents. Whether it be for Christmas, Winter Solstice Celebration, Kwanzaa, Hanukah... whatever, for me this is not just the time of year to buy a present for people, but the perfect present.... Or, at least an appropriate one <g>. Sometimes the perfect present is a little beyond my reach financially. Sometimes I search and search for the present, and sometimes it jumps right out at me, practically falling in my lap. But, the fun is in the search, and the thinking about the person.

With the thought of finding an appropriate present for Little Cindy Lou, I was just about to fire up my Search Engine and venture out into that vast wasteland that we call the Internet. She has been so patient, waiting her turn. And, like magic, what should appear in my e-mail, but the Perfect Cindy Lou present. Just as The Grinch's fit him so well, so too does Cindy Lou's fit her. Cindy Lou would like to Save Christmas, and this little game will give her  a chance. Go here and check it out. Together we can save Christmas from the Evil Artificial Trees... but be careful and don't hit an elf!!


Just as a side note, I actually have an artificial tree. I like to put my tree up pretty early, and I always worry about the fire hazard with a real tree that becomes dried out. But, I remember as a child going to my grandparents and how they would wait till the weekend before, give or take, to go and purchase a real Christmas tree. It made the whole house smell good.

I was mentioning to G a few days ago that I loved that smell, and we got to talking about Christmas trees. My mother bought a (at the time) expensive artificial when I was around 7 or 8 because, like me, she liked to decorate the whole house starting the day after Thanksgiving. That's where my tradition of putting up the tree on Thanksgiving night, or at least over that weekend, comes from. It was a perfect solution because Mom had the two little helpers to decorate the house and tree, and it was a project that she could use to keep two hyperactive children occupied over a long weekend. We had that tree for many, many, many years. In fact, I got that tree from my mom when I moved out on my own and I actually used it for 3 years myself <g>.

I asked G about his tree, and he told me that his mom got one of the silver artificial trees when they were all the rage. Remember the ones? They came with one of those disks that you shined on the tree that had the 4 colors on them and rotated. I laughed and said that I remembered them, but since my mom made our artificial last so long I was very glad that we got one that looked like a real tree (and it really did, you couldn't tell till you got close up). He looked at me a little strange, and then started laughing. Seems that he was little when they got that tree, and he remembers it going up every year until he was in his teens and went off to join the Navy!!<g>


graphics by & Useless graphics

Friday, December 3, 2004

To Us It's History

Some things just make you think... I don't know why this article set me off on a tangent. Maybe because my own grandmother turns 90 this year. I find talking to her about her life to be fascinating... But, I find most older people to be fascinating... Sometimes you just have to slow down so you can hear them!

I ran across this article on AOL's main page today.AOL News - Oldest American Dies at Age 114 in Ohio... This woman was sharp and active up until just a few months ago. She didn't move in with her daughter until she was 98... and her daughter was in her 80's!

From the Article:

Johnston voted in every election since women earned the right in 1920, even casting an absentee ballot in November.

Johnston lived a wholesome life, rarely visited doctors and never used the deductible on her health insurance policy, relatives said. The secretary at her doctor's office said Johnston had the thinnest file on record.

Drake University recognized Johnston as its oldest graduate. Johnston attended the first Drake Relays in 1910, when tuition was $54 per year.

Johnston is survived by her four children, who are now all past 70.

This woman voted in every election... Since Women were given the right to Vote!! She remembered a time when this wasn't something she was allowed to do. She was born in 1890, so she would have been 30 years old when she voted in her very first election. This means she has voted for every president since Harding... including this last election, although she had to send in an absentee ballot todo it.

What amazing things she saw!

Radios, automobiles, Airplanes, submarines, television, personal computers, video games, recordplayers, VCRs, the list of technological advancements just goes on & on.

She lived thru the First & Second World War, Vietnam, Korea, the Gulf War and saw the beginnings of the current conflicts. She was alive to see the building of, and the destruction of, the Berlin wall. She was alive when they bombed Pearl Harbor, and still with us when the Twin Towers fell in New York City on Sept 11, 2001.

What amazing, horrible, wonderful, frustrating, inspiring things she was alive to see. Goodbye Verona Johnston... Rest in Peace!


Graphic by Free Graphic Store

Thursday, December 2, 2004

Jealousy Rears It's Head

 Well, the cat keeps looking at me like I'm a traitor... The dog got her own entry, and she's wondering where hers is.... Soooooooo.....

Here we go, an entry dedicated to D.K. the little bitc.... I mean Ruler of the house! (she's watching me... gotta say good things<g>)

            Drumroll Please!!!!



I got D.K. as a very small, not quite 5 week old kitten. Knowing that she wasn't even old enough to be weaned yet (it was an emergency that I took her), I was expecting a small, weak, fragile little kitten. One who, between being given kitten formula and being taught to eat soft food, would love to sit in my lap while I played on the computer, or cuddlewith me while I watched TV ..... I even picked out her name... Pixel... after a cat in one of my favorite books... I was very excited!

What I got was a little hellion. My roommate swears that she never slept for the first 6 months we had her. Pixel, as a name, only lasted about 2 weeks. She quickly became known as Devil Kitty, or D.K. for short. She has calmed down over the 8 years that I've had her, but only in activity. The attitude is still the same. Cuddly? Well, she will allow you to pet her. On her terms. When she decides. For the length of time she decides. Unfortunately you often aren't informed ahead of time when your time is up. Luckily I have good reflexes.

D.K. is pretty smart. She has me trained. The litter box must be cleaned 2x  a day.. she isn't going to use a dirty box! Food must be supplied as soon as I am up and the dog has been out (before would be better,but we finally compromised. Morgan really wants out as soon as we are up <g>). And, if she jumps up on her stool, she is supposed to get treats, don't make her meow for them!

When we got Morgan, I actually wouldn't leave them in the same room together without supervision. Morgan immediately wanted to be friends.... D.K. thought Morgan looked Yummy! Now that they weigh about the same, they play together... When D.K. wants too <LOL>. It is soooo funny to watch them run thru the house. First Morgan chases D.K.... Then they come tearing back the other way with D.K. chasing Morgan. They wrestle, and play fight. When D.K. is thru, she just jumps up somewhere that Morgan can't reach...

Anyway, Here are a few pictures of the Princess.....

This was one of her favorite places on the train... Way up above everyones heads....

Picture from Hometown

PreviewGotta Make sure the toes are clean!!

PreviewAs you can see in this Picture... D.K. and Morgan are almost the same size!


Picture from HometownI don't know why, but she loves to lay on her back... I've noticed this in other felines.. I have a bunch of pictures of our Tigers doing this..

PreviewThey will sleep together... but notice the "I'm not moving" face Morgan is making, and D.K. gets the afghan! <LOL>


This entry was all in fun... D.K. is a spoiled littlegirl, who we love dearly.... I hope you enjoy her pictures!

<sigh> I suppose thehorse will want HIS own entry next....

graphics by Flaming Text, Animation Station, and Useless Graphics

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A Present for The Grinch!

PreviewI found a present for the Grinch while I was out surfing the web this evening. I'm not sure how I got to this site... But, once I saw it, I knew that it would be the perfect present for The Grinch....

<sigh> I guess this means I have to go out looking for something for little Cindy Lou now....

Anyway, a warning before you click on the following link. It is a little twisted, but I was amused.... disturbed, but amused. With that said, here is the Link...  The Cap'n's Unfortunate Christmas Cards ...Travel here at your own risk!

Graphic from Animation Library - Thousands of FREE Animations

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Lovey-Dovey Sappy Type Entry

    PreviewI know that it is a little late for a Thanksgiving entry, but I've been really busy <g>. Also, there should be a disclaimer and a warning here. Before you go any further I must warn you that this is going to be one of those sappy, awwwwww shucks, lovey-dovey kind of entries. Anyone who might suffer an allergic reaction to an overly sweet, lovey-dovey type entry better turn back now!!

Over the last week, when I've been fortunate enough to get on line for a few minutes, I've divided my time between email, checking the bulletin board, and reading the journals I have on alert. Just a sidenote about alerts: I have too many of them, and I keep finding more journals to add <sigh>.

I've read many entries both on the bulletin boards, and in journals, about the many things people are thankful for. And, I have to agree with most of them. I too am grateful for family, and health, and friends, and the opportunity to cook a whole lot of food and then feed it to those same family and friends <g>. I am grateful to live in a country where I can do and say pretty much whatever I want, and I'm eternaly thankful to the men and women who couldn't be home to share Thanksgiving with their families because they are busy serving in the Armed Forces.

But, I found what I am most thankful for in my e-mail on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I had taken a quick break in the pre-Thanksgiving preparations, and I took a moment to pop on line, and this is what I found waiting for me buried in the Alerts, spam, and general e-mail of the day.

Subj: I love you. 

Date: 11/24/2004 9:01:49 A.M. Eastern Standard Time

From: GeoffAPettigrew

To: Astaryth

Good moring sunshine. Just wanted to say I love you.Thanks for you and everything you do for me   Geoff

G. had managed to get online at work long enough to send me this e-mail. I asked him later (after hugs and kisses, of course) why he didn't just call me. He replied that he was afraid that I might have been still asleep, or doing something I didn't want to be interupted at.

I know it is a little thing, but it made my day. And, just in case you are curious, I saved the e-mail...


Sunday, November 21, 2004

Weekend Assignment

I've been pondering John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment 35: Thankful, and I finally think that I've come up with mine...


I have always loved to read... And a book can teach you, make you think, entertain you. They can relieve boredom. They can make you laugh, cry, and everything in between.

I particularly love fiction books. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Romances, it doesn't matter. As long as the writer does his job and sweeps me into another world, and makes me care enough about his characters that they become "real" people to me, I'm happy. Maybe it's escapism, but when I was a child books allowed me to leave my little world and explore a much larger one. Admittedly, some of these worlds didn't exist.... to other people. To me, they were often as real as my own, and often better.

I have flown dragons on Pern. I've met Merlin, King Arthur and The Lady of the Lake. John Carter and I explored Mars. Not the mars that you know from pictures from that silly rover, No, our Mars was filled with warriors and Princesses! I rode the Black Stallion on a long stretch of beach with the wind and surf blowing in my face. And, I cried when the "fairy" Podkayne was trying to protect died. I was there when Michael learned to "grok". And I know that two of the most important things in the Universe are a towel and Don't Panic.

So, yes, I'm thankful for books!!

                                         Picture from Hometown

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Thanksgiving Dinner At Our House



First, let's get something straight, I know how to cook, sort of... but, it mostly consists of things like soup or grilled cheese or one of those boxed dinners that comes with everything in them (now, THAT was a genius idea <g>).

One of my explanations to people is that if it requires more than three steps -- It's Cookin'!  See following example:

1. If you take a pop tart and crumble it up....

2. Then put it in the microwave for 3 seconds (And that is Seconds, not Minutes....another story <eg>)

3. And then when it comes out you pour milk over it..  Well, That's Cookin'! See Three step Rule.

Ok....with the above information common knowledge in our house, how did I end up hosting Thanksgiving Dinner?????????

I'll tell you how. G is a chef. No really, he has a BA in Culinary Arts. So every so often he gets a wild hair and decides to make a "meal". Now, I cringe when this happens as it always means two things: One, he'll need things (like strange spices <g>), that we do not have in my kitchen, and Two: that there will be a huge mess and dirty dishes and pans everywhere.

Sooo, 2 weeks ago, G announces to my brother and his wife that they should come over to our house for Thanksgiving. Oh, and not to bring anything as he was taking care of the whole meal!

Well, everything sounds just peachy now, doesn't it. Sure it does, but nothing ever goes smoothly at our house <LOL>. On our trip back home I broached a couple of "concerns" to G.

"Ummmm, hon.. with us, my brother, his wife, his 3 kids, and the oldest (who'll be home from Navy basic) is bringing his girlfriend... that's like 8 people" 

"Yeah, So?" he grumbles, sounding slightly irritated.

"Well, not to be pessimistic or anything, but we only have the Couch  & Love seat...That's enough seating for 5 people...." I offer this information with my best I'm not being irritating, but what were you thinking voice <g>.

 "Oh, it'll be fine, we'll use your folding chair from the computer and the bar stools...that's 8!" He anounces, obviously proud of both his math and organizing skills.

 "Oh... O.K." I agree feebly, hoping that no one shows up unexpectedly.

The next problem rears it's ugly head the next day. G announces "Baby, I may have to work for a couple of hours on Thursday Morning next week.." 

"Oh, No... that's Thanksgiving and YOUR cooking." I say with that don't you dare growl in my voice.

"Well, you may have to handle it.." He states, oblivious of the daggers I am shooting at him out of my eyes.

<grumble> <grumble> Yeah, well, I handled it all right!

I went to the HoneyBaked Ham Co. and I ordered the HoneyBaked Perfect Gift. We will be having Ham, Turkey, Au Gratin Potatoes and Green Been Casserole. I pick it all up on Monday HA!

Now, I'll just have to run to the store and get paper  plates with turkeys on them, couple of 12 packs of soda, all the stuff to make my fudge for before dinner snacking, and a cheesecake sampler for dessert. Hey, maybe I'll even pick up one of those party platter/snack trays! So, since I handled dinner does that mean that G has to handle super cleaning the house for guests?? Yeah, Right!


Saturday, November 13, 2004

Going to The Dog Park

  Going to the Dog Park!

Today Morgan, G and I all went to the DOG PARK! We've been before, but always during the week and there hasn't been anyone there but us. So, I was VERY excited because Morgan used to have lots of doggie (and non-doggie) friends on the circus, but since we've come off the road the only playmates (besides G & I, of course) are the cat and my brother's dog when we visit them. So, we set off for the dog park with high hopes of Morgan making lots & lots of friends.

                                                                      Picture from Hometown

Morgan was VERY excited, but I think it was because she thought we would be going to PetSmart <LOL>. She actually looked kind of disappointed when we pulled up into the dog park. But, like I said before, I was hoping for doggy friends. There were a couple of other people there with their dogs, so in we went..... And Morgan didn't want anything to do with them <shaking head>. She would much rather stay with us, or visit with the other dogs' mommies and daddies. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait for all of our friends to get in. The Red unit should be here in about 2 weeks, and the Blue will be in Orlando by the end of the 1st week in December.

Here are some pictures of our day though:

PreviewShe made one little friend..Preview

PreviewAnd we learned about tunnels..Preview

It was a fun day. For Christmas, Morgan and I are getting Obedience Classes. She already is pretty good with basic commands, and knows several tricks (she lives in a house with two animal trainers <g>), but I want her to get used to working around the distraction of other dogs and people so we can take the next step.... I want to enroll her in some Agility classes! Fun, Fun, Fun!!
