Monday, December 10, 2007

Random Thoughts

Tonight is another night of just random thoughts and links. I have a really cool surprise for tomorrows entry, but I need to take a picture. A picture requires light. While I could take the picture indoors, I think the subject will look nicer under natural light. Intrigued? Let's just say that surprising gifts from really nice people are the best.

Now for the random thoughts:

#1 Wow! Surprisingly there are some people who find my life interesting. Compared to the life I was living, I find my current life to be, not boring exactly, but not as fast paced as I was used to. This is not a bad thing by any means, just different. I'm just surprised that people find my day to day interesting ;p  Still, since people seem interested, I will try to post a little more often about my daily life and the critters who inhabit it.

#2 I'm currently reading (and enjoying) John Scalzi's book The Android's Dream. This book is very different from the other two books of his I have read. I enjoyed Old Man's War and it's sequel The Ghost Brigades, but this current book really gives you a look at the undeniably warped sense of humor that John has. The book starts out with a diplomat killing his extraterrestrial opposite by... wait for it.... farting at him till he has a stroke! Oh, and then dying himself from a heart attack from laughing too hard. From there the story gets weird. I'm about 1/2 way thru and it is great. It helps that I have an odd sense of humor and enjoy the absurd. Still, even with all of the 'funny' stuff going on, John manages to craft a really good Sci-fi story... albeit with a wink and a nod.

#3 I found this link today, and when I clicked through I was amazed. I'm assuming he blows the eggs out first and then uses the dremel on them. How delicate and intricate these are. The patience he must have..... Enjoy!

#4 It's December and Santa is on our minds. Here are a few unusual ones for you to take a look at. I particularly like Scuba Santa LOL!

#5 and finally, because I know that this season, while full of joy and fun, can be a little nerve wracking, I offer up something to help you relax. Click here and pop your way to calmness!

Oops almost forgot #6.... The picture below is one I took when we went to the local  botanical garden. Enjoy!





Anonymous said...

You have an artist's eye, obviously.  And hey, your life can't be half as boring as mine.  But people leave comments all the time saying they would love to live my life!  Thanks for making more of an effort to update your blog.

Anonymous said...

Your life sure seems interesting to me, but that may be becasue I love animals.  I enjoyed your last post about the horses you keep and have always enjoyed your superb photography.  I'm glad you share your experiences and keen eye with us and look forward to many more great entries.

Anonymous said...

What kind of camera do you use?  Do you print at a lab, or just enjoy them on the computer?  Have you always had the eye of an artist, or did it come with time?  Do you use the computer to "fix" your images, or are they that good straight out of the camera?

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, bubble wrap.  Always a crowd favorite!  I can't even tell you how long ago I bought ghost brigade.  And do you THINK I have had a chance to read it?  Well, let's see.  7 books this semester for my history class not to mention all the exciting homework for my other classes.  Nope, no time to read a book I like.  Maybe over Christmas break?  Those egg pictures were amazing!  Who has time to do something like that???

I'm holding my breath waiting for tomorrow's entry!

Anonymous said...

Well, there is not another post yet! Okay, waiting patiently. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow those eggs are beautiful...that takes a lot of patience and a steady hand for sure. Okay, now I got to go see what the cool surprise is... I didnt peek, I am catching up from the bottom up. :)

Anonymous said...

As always you pick some fun and interesting places to visit.  I love the urn picture.  Wait, is that an urn or a pot?  Doesn't matter.  Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

I truly do enjoy all the little outtakes of your life. Why? your real, you give a glimpse into who you are. So many people choose to dress up the story or give way to sensationalism (sp?). Your honest outlook on life is refreshing and loved. (Hugs) Indigo