Monday, January 7, 2008

Bridge to Terabithia



Bridge to Terabithia was the 'New Movie of the Week' on the Starz movie channel this week. Since I hadn't seen it, and it seemed to be the type of movie that I would like, I tuned in expecting a happy, pleasant movie experience. I mean, this was a movie based on a kid's book with a couple of children with such wonderful imaginations that they create a whole world... it was bound to be a happy, captivating, warm-hearted adventure... Right? Let's see... the tagline for this movie was: 

Discover a place that will never leave you, and a friendship that will change you forever.

The official blurb: 

From Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media comes Bridge To Terabithia, the exhilarating and heartwarming fantasy-adventure about the power of imagination and the magic of friendship. Tired of being bullied at school and neglected at home, Jess Aarons and Leslie Burke escape into the woods, where Leslie opens Jess's mind to the amazing kingdom of Terabithia. It's a secret land where they reign supreme among the giants, ogres and other fantastical creatures they create. As their imaginations soar and their friendship deepens, they discover how to rule their own kingdom, fight the forces of darkness and change their lives forever.

I was ready to be entertained by a cute little fantasy... little did I know that the story I was about to see was not what I was expecting!

Wow! Now I'm not the type to get all teary-eyed at a movie... but... WOW! G walked in and foundme a sniffling, sniveling mess. Tears just running down my face. I hadn't looked at this book in the book store so I had no idea what it was about other than the quick little blurb they gave in the guide about the movie, but I am going to assume (at least hope) that it is a YA meant for the 13 to 18 year old crowd because.. Wow (did I say that already? LOL!). After watching the movie I went online to find a site with the cliff notes, and it would appear that the book is even sadder than the movie. It is now on my to be bought/read list.

If you haven't seen this movie... watch it! Especially if you weren't one of the popular kids at school. This movie will definitely strike a cord.

In case you are interested, here are links to the official movie site, the Internet Movie Database site, and the Sparknotes page. This movie wasn't what I expected, in fact, it wasn't anything like I expected it to be, but if you get a chance to catch it... do so. And if you don't know anything about the movie or book, don't read anything about it before you see the movie... I think it affected me as much as it did because what happened came as a surprise.


Anonymous said...

I'm on it!  Will run out and rent or purchase this week.  (no premium channels -- lol)

Anonymous said...

Your description of the film inspired me to Tivo it. I can't wait to see it, later today. It sounds like a really beautiful movie.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recommend of this movie. I've heard about it and seen reviews. Now that you have recommended it so highly I definitely will make sure to see it. (Hugs) INdigo

Anonymous said...

Yeah...we watched this a while back...was not the ending I was expecting for sure...kinda sent me what? What happened? Why is this like this? The movie was good, but I didnt like the way it ended. Then again, one of my favorite movies, City of Angels, ends badly, I HATE that ending! But I just love the intensity of the movie.

Anonymous said...

I had exactly the same misconceptions when I took my 11 y.o and 8 y.o. to the theater to see this. Great movie, but my little guy was reduced to sobs and my oldest was in 'a mood' afterward. Though he'd never admit it, the mood he suddenly entered and his going to his room the minute we got home and hiding under his bed says it all. He was so affected by the story, as were we all. We had a few heart to hearts for the next day or two.

Very moving and powerful, but some little warning might have been nice.


Anonymous said...

I watched this one with the kids...Carlie has watched it about 5 times and she still cries..LOL...Enjoy your week and wishing you a great 2008!  TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

My niece loaned it to us to watch, but I haven't had time to watch it yet with still trying to get settled.  Hopefully soon!  Thanks for letting me know to have a box of kleenex!~

Have a great week!~
