Saturday, January 19, 2008

Can I have an Awwwww?!?



How can you look at that picture and not go "Awwwwwwwww"? I was there just a couple of hours after this guy was born and remember when he was still having trouble finding his balance and figuring out how to nurse. He obviously figured it all out! Isn't he a cutey? This picture was taken last July. I need to get down and see him again soon, but it is a little over a 2 hour trip each way now and requires more planning than it used to.

The HP laptop is home and I can't believe how much nicer it is to work with my wonderful 17" screen and all of my settings just the way I like! I edited several pictures today, which I will dole out to you all 1 at a time. Even if I don't have anything to say, at least you'll get a picture! 

I'm look forward to getting back into things like Wordless Wednesday, Monday Photo Shoots, Weekend Assignments... So, in that spirit, I decided to go back and pick up the first Weekend assignment that Karen did after John left us. I'll also be doing the actual assignment for this week later.

Weekend Assignment #197: Now that the WGA strike has had lots of time to affect the prime time television schedules, how is it affecting you as a viewer? What show do you miss most, aside from reruns? Do you miss your weekly appointment with that ill-behaved doctor, or your visits to Wisteria Lane? Does it bother you not to laugh at fresh jokes on your favorite sitcom? Or are you just as happy watching reality shows, or new episodes of shows that have been held back until now? We want to know!
Extra Credit: how are you spending the time instead?


Frankly the WGA strike has had little effect on me. I don't watch a whole lot of network TV other than my guilty pleasure of 1 hour of All My Children each day... and I don't even necessarily watch that on the network either. I am much more likely to catch it on SoapNet at 8pm than I am to watch it in the middle of the afternoon. Other than that, most of my favorite shows are on other channels, and so far haven't shown much effect. Torchwood, Eureka, The Dresden Files and other shows of the type seem to be unaffected so far. Part of the reason I don't watch network TV can also be laid at the door of DirecTV. For some reason we are unable to get local channels thru them other than NBC, and the only channels we can pick up off a regular antenna are ABC, and fuzzily FOX. So even if I wanted to watch something.... I couldn't!

Besides, I have found that for most programs, we like buying the whole season and watching at our own pace. I am currently in the middle of watching Season 2 of Supernatural, Season 1 of Criminal Minds (I have Season 2 waiting in the wings) and Season 2 of How I met Your Mother. If you watch and catch them on sale, the seasons aren't that expensive and you don't have to watch commercials, you watch when you want, not when the show is 'on', and you never miss an episode and wonder what happened last week!

Extra Credit:

Well, so far I haven't spent my time any differently because I haven't been affected at all. I guess when the shows I watch start to be affected I will go and pick up some seasons of other shows I've been meaning to watch. Besides, I only spend a couple of hours a day watching the TV (although it is usually on for noise). Now if the Internet goes on strike.... then I would really have a problem! LOL!


Anonymous said...

During the writers' strike I discovered "Project Runway" on Bravo -- and was instantly hooked.


Anonymous said...

What a great mother and child pic!  Yes, it makes you just want to say, "awwww..."  Congrats on getting your newly refurbished and revved up laptop back.  Can't wait to see the rest of the picks you will be feeding us!

Anonymous said...

Definitely an Awwww....picture! Sounds like you will be happily buried in the tomes of your laptop for some time now. As for Tv not a big TV watcher.....I do have some programs I love to watch though. Supernatural being one of them. I've watched that one since the first episode. Russ mentioned Project Runaway on Bravo. I'm also hooked on that show....Doc usually has the tv when it's on and loves the History Channel. If it's anything on tv relate to WWI-II forget it I won't see Tv for a while.....(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

A huge "awwwww" of course. What a cutie pie. What a stroke of luck you had arriving at just the right time.  

Great photo!


Anonymous said...

Awwwww, adorable.

I don't watch much TV either.  I am like you, if my internet goes down, THEN I get upset, lol.

Have a great day!~


Anonymous said...

A definite "Awwww" for shaw!

I like TV probably more than I should....
But that strike has GOT to get settled!

Anonymous said...

Definitely an awwwwwww!  What an adorable little guy!

I'm not terribly effected by the WGA strike.  I watch some shows routinely and if it's rerun time, I watch a different show on a different channel.  

But.  I can read any old time I want ... and surf the web.  So it's all good.  At least for me.

Anonymous said...

Hello!  Yep, you're right.  I've just got to say awwwww!    Very neat pic.   i had fun reading your lasts couple of entries and the next one during lunch.   Look for more carousel ohotos from me and I be I'll see some more from you too.  ;)  Maria

Anonymous said...

That is definitely an AWWWW picture. :) I dont buy the seasons, but I do rent them from Netflix, since there is no return date, you can just keep them til you are done. I have been finding some good new shows to watch lately, like the Sarah Conner Chronicles, that was on last night. That is pretty good so far. I like Moonlight too, that is cool. I dont usually watch a lot of tv, but I have been finding more on that I like.

Anonymous said...

Sorta/kinda on subject: I think because of the writers strike the studios have been unable to produce new pilots. Sothey've given the greenlight to old ones they once rejected. My reasoning: we once did a consumer survey on a sitcom pilot called 'unhitched' (this has to be a year or two ago at the very least). Now a friend who saw the pilot called to say she saw a commercial for it on TV.
