Wednesday, January 19, 2005

99 Rooms


This is a very cool site... part game/part art.... You are in a maze of 99 Rooms. Some pics require you to do something... Some are just to look at. A couple of people I sent this too had a problem figuring things out, so here is the simple version <g>

1. If your mouse pointer is an arrow... Move it around till it becomes a hand. Then click to make whatever happen.

2. Sometimes you have to do more than one thing.. i.e. click all the switches, or click the plates once to move them and the second time to make them break.... Sometimes all you have to do is touch a certain part of the picture to be able to move on.... Sometimes you have to 'manipulate' something.. i.e. turn a crank

3. Sometimes you are just waiting for something to happen/finish. You'll know when you've done the right thing or the right thing has happened because your mouse will turn into an arrow with three triangles.... Click to move to the next room.

4. If you get toooo stuck, or just want to return to a specific room... click on the spacebar and it brings up a 'filmstrip' that you can click on the image you want to see...

5. Enjoy the surrealistic images as you travel thru

So, remember... arrow=move around looking for something that causes your arrow to turn into a hand.... Hand=click to make something happen....  arrow with 3 triangles=click to move to next panel/picture

HAVE FUN in the

Sidenote: Click on anythin that says 99 Rooms to go to the site... <g>

Oops... graphics created at  Cool Text and Flaming Text


Anonymous said...

Definitely going to give it a try.  Thanks for sharing, sounds fun!

Anonymous said...

Hello !!!! Thanks for sharing such a cool site...I love it. I also invite you to share with me my new : Blue Moon Diary......hope you like it !!!!!!
Take care.....

Anonymous said...

Ok...going to go and try it out! :)  Sounds like fun.


Anonymous said...

Wow!  This site is terminally weird.  But, then again, so am I.  I loved it!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a good site...I'll be trying it later, but featuring it in my journal after I'm done visiting some more journals. Thanks for sharing the link!

Anonymous said...

Fascinating!  I wasted a delicious amount of time on it.  Penny  

Anonymous said...

ok- you have created an addict! ~Sue

Anonymous said...

That was trippy. There was one where I was looking around the picture and suddenly that ghoul thingie popped in front of my screen. I about jumped into the ceiling. Awesome!


Anonymous said...

wow, that sounds so interesting, will stop by and check it out! thanks for the link....


Anonymous said...

Well, that was uhhhh, different.  LOL

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

This was a bit scary, when the thing came and flashed in front of the screen I clicked off. A bit too much scare for me! Blessings. :)