Sunday, January 30, 2005

Amazing Snowflake Pictures

PreviewNot much exciting happening around here lately. Mostly I've been working, reading (and sometimes commenting on) Journals, playing pogo, Previewsurfing the web, and trying to keep up with the message boards. Of course, that last would be easier if some strings didn't go over 100 messages in just a couple of hours <LOL>

PreviewWhen surfing the web, there are a couple of sites that I visit frequently. One of these is the National Geographic site. They offer a lot of interesting articles, and often offer stunning pictures that you can download (for free!) to use as wallpaper on your PC. While visiting this Previewsite recently, I came across this page. It has some stunning close-up pictures of snowflakes. Wow! How beautiful and delicate they are when seen individually... And what havoc they can cause when they group together!

PreviewWith a large amount of the country blanketed in the cold, wet, whitePreview stuff, I thought this would be an appropriate time to offer up this site for your viewing pleasure!!

Oh, and if you are interested seeing what else I do to stay busy, stop over here at my new Journal and take a look at the pictures of my latest afghan in progress!


snowflake graphic from


Anonymous said...

that is very pretty!
~ Promise

Anonymous said...

these are AMAZING

Anonymous said...

WOW!  I love this!  Thanks for bringing it to my attention (well, and everyone else's too.  Bruce  

Anonymous said...

I thought the pogo badges were pretty easy this week...especially that Atlantis slot game.  It's my new favorite game!  Take care, hon.    Russ

Anonymous said...

It's getting pretty fancy around here. I again have to bow to the tech goddess of journal land :o)I love that background! Ok, I'm off to check out some of those websites. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Love the snowflakes! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Those twirling snowflakes are hypnotic! I can amuse myself staring at them for hours! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Full-time job, computer genius, web surfing, message boarding, journal commenting and a penchant for Friday night sci-fi;  OK I'm exhausted!  Thanks for the link to National Geographic, my kids are bound to love it!

Anonymous said...

very cool entry (ooooh, that wasn't meant to be a pun). Sometimes I frighten myself. :):) judi

Anonymous said...

i really like ur journal, mine isnt all that great,but u can stop by and see it...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... Sunny and near 80 here in South Florida today!
                             *** Coy ***

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the wonderful sites!  They're really great, and so appropriate too!

And thanks for the advice on Zoey.  I actually bought a baby-gate from Walmart awhile back, but she ate that too.  Then we got another one and now she jumps over it.  She completely clears it with inches to spare.  I think I have a serious agility dog in the making! :-)

Have a great day.  And keep writing.  I love your journal! :-)

Anonymous said...

The pictures were beautiful!  Thank you for sharing the link.  Have you seen the snow pictures that Kat (walk with me) has in her journal?  Beautiful pictures in her journal. She's the editors #2 pick - should've been #1! Anyway, I came by to thank you for visiting my journal, Mamarazzi - which should've been #2 instead of #1!! LOL  ANyway, thank you for visiting and I happen to like eclectic minds - I can relate.


Anonymous said...

This entry reminded me of something my daughter said the other was snowing (like it was everywhere else)...and she said vaguely, as if she was on the verge of greatness, "yes, they (snowflakes) really are all different from each other...", and she was about to prove to me how she knew that, but then we got off the subject. LOL! Now I'll never know!

I'll be sure to go visit those other sites now, on my way...

Anonymous said...

How beautiful and delicate they are when seen individually.....and what havoc they can cause when they group together!".......Were you referring to snowflakes...or the human heart!..........Yes, indeed....there is our our refelection within every element of nature!

Great entry!  Marc :)

Anonymous said...

We get National Geographic in the mail.  It's a wonderful magazine and you're right...the photos are beautiful.  Went to your other journal, looks great to me!

Anonymous said...

WOW!  Those are some amazing photos.  I love snowflakes...they fascinate tiny sculptures.  Thanks for putting this in your journal. ~Dona

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I missed this entry unless my alerts weren't working that day.  This is too cool of a site!  Amazing how cameras can photograph something so small and delicate.  Sheila