Saturday, January 15, 2005

I'm O.K..... I Just Got A Job!!

First, Thanks for all of the comments and e-mails Previewasking if I was o.k..... I was touched that people noticed I haven't been around <g>!!

Second, Gram is doing very well at home. Thank you for all of your good thoughts and wishes for her! She's not happy with the fact that she now has to take 6 pills though. She keeps insisting that she had been doing just fine with the 1 pill she was used to taking <g>. My Mom is lucky enough to work in a management position for a local company. Her Boss knows our family and Gram... He basically told Mom he would see her when she felt comfortable leaving Gram again. Sometimes it's nice living in a smaller town where you've lived your whole life and everyone know everyone!! Mom says she has a good amount in her savings account and both her brother and sister have told her not to worry about anything. No one wants Gram to go to a Care Facility and we are all happy to contribute to Mom not having to work so she can be there to do whatever Gram needs!!

PreviewThird, yes, I know I've been MIA from my Journal.... But, I have been reading and commenting on other people's Journals. I've also kept current with the message board. Sooooo.... I've been around, just not as visibly as normal. Couple of reasons...
    1. No inspiration. Don't know why, but just haven't had much to say. (Actually, that's not entirely true... I sorta know why, see #3 <g>)
    2. I Got A JOB!! O.K.... It's not in my field, but it is 3 minutes from my door to the job. It is assembly work, so I can practically do it in my sleep. The people are really nice. It doesn't pay what I'm used to, but as G. puts it, I'm not doing this for money--I'm doing it to get out of the house. But, since it is assembly work I've had to get used to being on my feet for 8 hours straight and it is VERY PHYSICAL work. I started on Wed the 5th, and the first weekend I was just beat.  It's great though in that I can run home on my 30 minute lunch break and walk Morgan, so I don't feel guilty about her being alone for so many hours.
   3. Lack of energy due to #2. But, I expect this will get better as I figure out a different routine and become accustomed to the work.
   4. Last weekend was the last weekend that my friends from the show were going to be in town, so we spent a good amount of time with them.

All of the above have added up to not a lot of extra time. And, since I have to read all my Journals I Previewhave on alerts, and earning my badges on Pogo are a given each week.... well, something had to give, and what I chose was my Journal :(   I will try to do better, even if it is just a quick paragraph saying  "Hey, I'm Alive!!"

Sidenote: I've done pretty well... I managed to accomplish my New Year's Resolution the first week of the year ;) --See last entry and my determination to find SOME kind of job this year <BG>

graphics from Diddlworld and Uselessgraphics


Anonymous said...

Ah, rock on! I was going to ask when you would update, but didn't want to seem too pushy or impatient. Glad to know you're all right. Congrats on the new job!


Anonymous said...

Ah-HA!!!!  You DO keep a journal on here!  LOL!  Just kidding!  Congrats on the new job and tell Gram at 90 she's got it easy.  At 38 I'm taking 8 pills in the morning and 2 at night.  LOL!  Glad to see you still writing!  Hope to read more soon ::hint, hint::  Take care - Sheila

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear your gram is doing better!  By the way -- the badges on pogo were extremely hard this week.  I don't know why I'm compelled to keep trying for those worthless little things.  "Aces Up" nearly killed me.  I'm glad you're back writing.  I've missed you   Russ

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job, good news!  


Anonymous said...

       Way to go on the new job and thanks for your very interesting circus comment in my journal this morning and yes ... I can tell that you miss your friends. I thought of your tiger photo in your about me section when I saw the show last night, although I've never have read the story regarding the photo I figured it must be circus related:-)
                              *** Coy ***

Anonymous said...

Just glad to know you are alright. Congrats with the job! Yup, that will be nice. Those three words "Hey, I'm alive!" will quiet our fears that the aliens have abducted you. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your grandma is doing well...that is great about your mom's boss being so understanding! And congratulations on the job!


Anonymous said...

You were missed; and with the alerts down, I've been here over and over in vain.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back.  And I don't know whether to congratulate you or not on the job.  So, I'll do both:

Congrats!!  And Ewwwww.  ROFL

~~ jennifer, who sends Morgan hugs and tummy rubs

Anonymous said...

"No inspiration"?  Hell, that never stopped ME.

 Good to have you back!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new job! Did you buy some great shoes to stand in? Thats wonderful support of your family for your Mom and Gram. It's what family is all about. Good to see a new entry, I check often to see if you have posted!

Anonymous said...

nice to see  you back...yes, you are missed,  and I'm glad Gran is doing well....


Anonymous said...

Well now I don't feel so bad on being only 4 days behind on posting and catching up on other journal!  Congrats on the job though - that is great!  -Kelly

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad its all good news!  I missed you here... even though I saw you around J-land.  You're addicted, aren't you... you're just as bad as me!  Even when you don't have time you're poking around.  Hahahaha!  Ain't it great?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job!  


Anonymous said...

I'm happy you got a job; nothing worse then being stuck in the house, even if you have loads to do! I'm on pogo too, my newest addiction, lolol...~Mary Anne~