Sunday, September 25, 2005

Weekend Assignment #78: Things to Take

Well, today seems to be a day for 'playing along', so how about a trip over to the Blogfather's journal for this week's Weekend Assignment?

John writes:

Weekend Assignment #78: You are preparing to evacuate your house due to an upcoming threat. You have already packed up all your essential items, people and pets. You have room for three non-essential items. What are they?

Remember, you already have your essentials: food, medicines, water, clothes, and all the people (including the furry ones) who live with you. "Non-essentials" are things you don't need but would like to have, and can include momentos, books, jewelry, objects of sentimental value, and so on and so forth.

Hmmmm.... Let's see...

1. My laptop and the CD's that contain my digital pics would be my first pick because well... pictures are irreplaceable, and I would also want to be able to continue to blog and e-mail if possible. (Oh, and I'm figuring my cell phone was one of the 'essentials <g>)

2. The box that has my printed pictures in it along with my picture albums. (Since I live in Florida, Land of the Hurricaines, my pictures and picture albums are already stored in a plastic sealed container!)

3. As many of the 'collectables' that we have gathered in our travels that I can wrap up and stick in a storage container. These run the gamut of everything from statues to stuffed animals.

Everything else is replaceable....

Extra Credit: Have you ever been evacuated?

I live in Florida on a coast, but I have never actually been evacuated. So far the hurricaines have missed us here.... <keeping fingers crossed and knocking on wood!>


Anonymous said...

ya, nothing like tempting fate there girlie!!

Anonymous said...

I'd take my pictures too, memories last a lifetime
<3 Amanda

Anonymous said...

Yes...I think pictures are the one thing I would take, too...unfortunately, I'm not nearly as organized as you - mine are all in a crate, in about ten different's very depressing!

Anonymous said...

keeping my fingers crossed and knocking on wood for you too!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you. As a veteran evacuator, I take my cell phone, my laptop and all the pictures I could cram in the back of my SUV. I live on the Florida-Alabama border so I evacuated a total of 4 times since last year...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm , I had no idea that you lived on a Florida coast! Perhaps we are neighbors? Now that's a nice thought!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, computer and all the pictures safely <at least we think> stored on it. Of course, all my writing is on the computer too and I'd be sick if I had to leave my sweet little laptop. Now, stay out of the path of those hurricanes!

Anonymous said...

Hello. I'm new to your journal and it looks great!

I think I'd need a fork-lift truck to help me grab my pictures, but then I guess that's what comes of having 6 children!! Fortunately, I live in relatively "safe" England, so I don't think I need worry just yet.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my journal:)


Anonymous said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you now if you'll keep yours crossed for me during "twister season" here in Kansas.  This week's Pogo badges are a pain --- and I'm not sure why I even bother anymore.  


Anonymous said...

Whoops.  Nothing brings on the guilt quicker than realizing that you are unprepared...although, in Az, the thing I need to worry about most is spontaneous combustion--(not that that's an excuse, or anything) :D
I'd have to grab all the kid's video games first, and then there'd barely be space left for us in the van! LOL
(and thanks for the comment in my j)