Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Locks of Love

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.

A couple of months ago I thought that my hair was getting a little long. Because I have very baby fine hair it starts to just 'hang' if I let it grow out for too long of a time. G loves my hair long, but I was ready for a change. Except for trims, I hadn't cut my hair in a little over 2 years. Several friends had commented on how long it was getting, and I began to wonder if it was long enough to donate to Locks of Love... This was in late October.

I was surprised when I checked the Locks of Love website that the length asked for wasn't really all that long. Looking at my hair and estimating, I decided that if I waited till January it would probably be long enough to donate. Having made the decision, I stopped putting any rinses in my hair and thought I could cringe and deal with the few gray hairs for a month or so in order for my hair to be as natural as possible when I donated it. (I keep an auburn rinse in my hair most of the time to hide the icky gray, but it is one of those 'washes out in 6 to 8 weeks' things instead of a permanent dye)

This last Tuesday we were in town and we decided to drop by the mall so I could check on the price of a tripod and drool a little over the lens that I will be getting very soon. While there I saw a Regis salon and told G that I would like to stop in and see how much longer my hair needed to be. I was pleased when the young lady told me that if I didn't mind my hair being short it was long enough AND that they would package and ship the hair in for me!! I promptly told her that I couldn't care less how short she made my hair, to take as much as she needed! They were a little busy, so I made an appointment with her for about an hour later and G and I decided to grab a bite to eat and then return.

Luckily I had my camera out in the truck. I had planned on trying to get some tree pictures on the way home. Unfortunately it had clouded over, so the tree pics were out, but G could take a quick pic of my hair before it was cut... thus the picture in the parking lot... people were looking at us a little funny when he was taking a picture of my backside LOL!

Going back in, I sat down in the chair and the nice stylist asked me how I wanted my hair cut.

"Any way you want that you get plenty of hair and hopefully I don't look like a complete horror" I told her laughing.

"I think I can manage something cute AND still get plenty of hair" She then told me that even my bangs would be sent because they were over 6" and, since the rest of my hair was longer, that would be enough ! She was also pleased that although fine and straight, my hair is thicker than it looks.

The picture below is before, then back/front/side of the new cut... I know that I don't look too happy (and could use a little blush/lipstick!) but that is more due to the fact that G is holding my camera and trying to figure out which button to push while I cringe. I do NOT like being on this side of the lens! I actually think I like the cut. Now, tonight we hide the gray! LOL!

So.... It's such a small thing... it's hair that would normally just be swept up and disposed of... but to a child it might mean much more! If you, or anyone you know, is going to have a good amount of hair cut off, please consider donating it to Locks of Love. Even if you don't think it is long enough, ask the stylist... you never know, it might be enough, and it never hurts to ask!



Anonymous said...

I LOVE your new look. You love georgeous!!!   Anne

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever seen you so clearly photographed before....WHAT A BABE!!!  And that's coming from a gay man -- so you know I'm not saying that just to be charming!  You're very beautiful and down-to-earth.  And charitable!  Once again:  WHAT A BABE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey JJ!! Wow! the new dooooo loooks great!!    What a great idea to give your hair like that.  I've heard of it before and it really must make you feel good to know it will help someone!

so now we all get to call you Babe huh?!  and to think it only took a haircut! lol..

Anonymous said...

JJ!  You look FABULOUS!!!  Love the new do!

Anonymous said...

Lovely!  And what a great cause!  Gabe and Art both donated their hair to Locks of Love.

Anonymous said...

Great cut and a great cause!  FYI for anyone here, these organizations will take hair that is in good condition regardless of whether it's been colored or not.  They prefer natural hair of 10 inches in length, but will accept healthy hair of 7 inches or more.  Check with various charities, there are a number of them out there.  

Your blogging hairdresser,

Anonymous said...

You look smashing!  

And great idea to donate your hair.  I tried, when my hair was long but, it was too damaged from all the dyeing.  Oh well.  

You look faboo, dahling!

Anonymous said...

I love your new haircut!  Isn't it funny how most men prefer long hair on a woman, even if (as was my case) long hair isn't that flattering on her?

Great pictures.  You look fine.

I'm still wondering why Bloglines doesn't let me know when you make a new post, but I'll get in the habit of just checking every day or so to see if you've made an entry.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome gift you gave!! I'm always telling people who are thinking of cutting their hair to donate it to locks of love. I love the new cut, it's so cute on you.
I don't even think it's short at all. Of course I have a pixie cut LOL so anything longer isn't quite short. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I love the new do!!! My youngest Daughter Rachel did the locks for love when she was 9 years old. She donated her 10 inch pony tail....she was the only child that participated in the 2 day event that year......I was so proud of her....she's now 15 and wants to do it again in my name this time.

Anonymous said...

I have donated to Locks of Love twice(36 inches total for me) and Brook has once. I will be going again soon and I will have about 12 inches to give this time around.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you look enough like my family to be kin to me!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous do ... and for a great cause too!  :)