Saturday, February 3, 2007

Weekend Assignment #150

John Scalzi over at By the Way reports that there will be some big athletic/sporting event this weekend, not only  that but he says that a lot of people are very excited about it. Eh... whatever! Anyway, in the spirit of the weekend he has decided to base this week's assignment around it:

Weekend Assignment: Share your memories of the first Super Bowl game you remember seeing. Which is to say, the first one you had an actual interest in -- Super Bowls playing in the background while you faced away from the TV and read a book or something don't count. If you remember watching one but don't remember quite the year, here's a list of the Super Bowls to date to assist your memory (click on the particular game to a full description of the game).
Those of you in Canada, the UK and elsewhere can substitute your own massively nationally important annual sporting event in the stead of the Super Bowl if, in fact, you have no Super Bowl memories. I mean, I'm sure there were some rockin' Grey Cup games.
Extra credit: So, ever been to a Super Bowl game?

Hmmmmm.... thinking... wracking my brain.... Nope... Nada! I have never had any interest in the Super Bowl game beyond the commercials LOL! And now, thanks to the Internet, I don't even have to watch the game to see the commercials, I can just go online.... bwahahahahaha!

On the other hand, I HAVE attended my fair share of  Super Bowl Parties.. some of which I even vaguely remember <.snort> I also have it on good authority that there will be a gathering of people to watch the game tomorrow evening at G's bosses home. I will make my appearance, eat me some food, give everyone big hugs and... retreat to a corner with either my book or my DS and my copy of Nintendogs.

Extra Credit: Yeah, Right! LOL

Want to play along? Write your answer in your blog, then pop over to the blogfather's place and leave a link! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of the NFL, but the Super Bowl is not a big deal to me.  It's all hype and the sport gets diminished.  Having said that -- I'll watch every second of it.  :(