Saturday, May 12, 2007

I've Been Tagged!


Pretty Flower

Mary Jo over at From the Edge of Dementia tagged me to do this... I don't do a lot of these, but for her I'll make an exception! O.K... here it is:

List seven things that most people don't know about you.  Tag seven people to play along.  Send a comment to their journal letting them know they're in the game. 

Let's see.... what does the Internet not know about me....

  1. I'm sure a few people know this, but I haven't mentioned it in a while, but I used to work for a major circus and traveled all over the country and lived on a train!
  2. I have a 4 year old grandson.
  3. I was born in the "Land of Beautiful Horses and Fast Women" or as most people call it, Kentucky.
  4. I was there when my horse was born and helped him stand and nurse for the first time... and he has been with me for the 17 years since
  5. After having 1 child I figured out that it hurt and I decided that 1 was plenty <LOL> (even though I was told I had an 'easy' delivery!)
  6. I am a Geek! But I spend a good part of my day outside taking care of one animal or another.
  7. When my family gets together in a few days we are going to be able to take a 5 generation picture. My grandmother is 92 this year, my mother 65, I'm 46,soon to be 47, my son is 31, and my grandson is 4 (soon to be 5). My Grandmother is his Great, Great Grandmother!

True story: When my Grandson was born, I was busy trying to come up with something he could call me besides Grandma! My Mother on the other hand was thrilled to be a Great Grandmother and went around showing everyone his picture and announcing, "I'm a Great Grandmother". She looks at my Grandmother and says, "And that makes you a Great, Great Grandmother!" My grandmother told her, "Shush, Janice Ann... You don't have to announce THAT to the world!" She turns around and looks at me and says, "Doesn't she know that we aren't old enough for this??"

The picture at the top of the entry doesn't have anything to do with the entry... I just thought it was pretty!

I'm not going to tag anyone... but if you want to play along, please do! Be sure to leave me a link so I can learn something new about you!



Anonymous said...

you're a geek?  Noooooooooo (lol).  The fact you dealed with animals and took great pics is what got me to your blog in the first place!

Anonymous said...

I DID NOT know you were a grandmother!

Anonymous said...

I really don't need to do this one because, like I said, "My life is an open book."  
And like Delio said, "With a speaker attached!"

Anonymous said...

Thank you for playing!  This is the first time I ever tagged anybody and realized that I never got around to actually letting anyone know they were tagged. LOL
I thought I had led an interesting life... I think traveling with the circus takes the cake on that one.  Crazy Cool...

Anonymous said...

Now I know why I like you so much. I was born and raised in Kentucky also. I go back every few years for visits. My first boyfriends' father was a buyer for a major horse farm in Lexington.  I love horsebarns. If I can remember that far back, I think I lost my virginity in one.  (he he he)   Anne

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you did this one. It gave me a chance to learn more about you and your life. Loved reading this and found it interesting as well. Your Grandmother is right we aren't old enough for this! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything I haven't shared in my blog that you and a few others haven't already read!  You blog long enough and it all comes out eventually! LOL  Your last story reminded me of "Terms of Endearment" where Shirley Mclaine's character made her grandkids call her "Mrs. Greenway".  ;)

Happy Mother's Day to you!!


Anonymous said...

I tell my whole life, too!

But I had forgotten you were born here in the Bluegrass!

Anonymous said...

Lovely  photo and thanks for sharing!  That really is something to be able to snap photos of five generations!

Anonymous said...

Those really are some unusual facts like having traveled with a circus, how many people could say that?  And you still have that horse and he is now 17.  My niece's horse Cracker lived to be 29 and when he died at home, my sister Ann hired a backhoe to come and dig a hole in the front yard to bury him in.  I loved people wo are devoted to animals.  I find they are usually soft hearted about people, too!

Anonymous said...

Wow, 5 generations!  That's fantastic!  : ) Love, Shelly

Anonymous said...

Hi there~I enjoyed reading this entry; glad you did it. That's great abt. the 5 generation portrait. Blessings to you & yours & esp. Boo~Deb ;-)