Sunday, January 23, 2005

Let It Snow


I've been watching the Weather on TV for the last 2 days, and I must say that I am soooooooo glad that I live in Florida! <LOL> But, I thought I would do an entry in honor of all of my J-land friends who are <cough> enjoying <cough> such a Winter Wonderland!!

First, for my J-land friends who need some cheering up, Click
Here... Or better yet, Here <g> Hopefully these two sites will bring a smile to your Previewfaces!

For anyone curious about Snow.. Well, I have a place for you to go that will tell you more than you EVER wanted to know about SNOW!! Finding this site in my e-mail box was actually what gave me the idea of doing a 'Snowy' entry <LOL>. So, without any Further Ado....
Click here for an education in SNOW

So, Now that I have both tried to cheer you up AND educate you, let me add my hope that everyone involved in Previewthis Winter Wildness is staying bundled up, warm, and with all the Hot Cocoa (both spiked & unspiked) that they desire!!!

graphics/background from the following: Absolute Background, Useless graphics, and amazing animations...


Anonymous said...

Cruel is:  Writing about snow while living in Florida
Cruel is:  Calling a relative who received 10" of snow when you live in Florida
Cruel is:  Receiving 10" of snow and a card from your sister who is in Hawaii compliments of her son on the same day you get the call from Florida.

LOL!  Love the cat link!  At least my heart was warmed while visiting here!


Anonymous said...

Love your happy graphics!  This was really a great entry from your heart in warm, sunny FLORIDA! HA!  ;)

Anonymous said...

12 degrees and 13 inches of snow......can I please come stay with you?  rofl

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my journal and leaving a link! I live in Florida too, and while it is a bit chillier than usual, we're not dealing with blizzard weather! I wish we could at least have a couple of inches though. *Sigh* It would be fun to see the kids playing in it!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your journal.  Thanks for visiting mine and leaving a link to yours.  I'm in AZ, and I'm with you ... I couldn't survive in the snow everyone else is getting!

Anonymous said...

I am from Florida so I enjoyed your entry so much. ROFL and the graphics almost made me lose control of my bladder! Yeah, we can taunt those from the snowy states now with our sunshine and 60 degrees weather but wait till the next hurricane season!!!! Bet they'll feel vindicated then. LOL.

Anonymous said...

ROFL!!!!!!! Thanks for wintery Niagara Falls

Anonymous said...

What a fun background and graphics! I see I need to attempt another step into the tech goddess arena with fun backgrounds! Hey enjoy that Florida weather. My weather isn't near as bad as some of those in the East, but it's still downright cold around my parts. Send us some sunshine! Brrrrr

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest animation!
I would die in the snow....I am happy in AZ!


Anonymous said...

They say the Eskimos have 32 words for snow.  We have more than that for the heat, some unprintable, LOL.  I lived in CO for 6 yrs when I was  kid, and never really noticed how cold it got, but now, let it drop below 40 and I'm ready for a trip to Hawaii, or Cabo!  Nice journal, worth coming back to read, Bruce  

Anonymous said...

we still have snow here, and dealing with some ice on our street, but other than that, things are okay, now lets bring on the spring!!!!!  stay warm there in sunny florida :-)


Anonymous said...

Yes, the weather is terrible.  Thank you so much for cheering me up!  I love your journal! :-)

And thanks for stopping by mine.  I really appreciate it.  You are so right!  My trip to Tucson turned out just the way it was supposed to.  I feel so much closer to my mom and my stepfather.  Though I wish he weren't facing such a tough time ahead :-(

Thanks for your kind thoughts! :-)

And yes, you are SO lucky to live in Florida!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I wish I lived in FLORIDA...We haven't had a lot of snow, some, but not like other states. I live in is just plain downright COLD here. And I am so ready for spring, summer, sunshine, warm breezes, flowers, and did I mention WARM air. hehehehe
Thanks for the cute little sites..liked the dancing hamsters and the laughing kitten. I clicked on the snow link, but I don't want to read about it, that makes me colder. :D

Glad your warm...


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my journal's snowing here in usual...I love the dancing penguins!


Anonymous said...

love the penguins!!!!!!!!!!!!! judi

Anonymous said...

I love this journal entry and but considering I live in lovely Boston I wasn't crazy about the snowflakes floating throughout while I was reading. ENOUGH SNOW!!! It's getting to the point where I'm starting to really dislike Mother Nature.   My parents go to Fl (Bonita Springs) for the winter and I love going there to visit. If my kids didn't live up here I would move in a minute.  I absolutely love it down there.