Friday, November 18, 2005

Looking for Me?

If you are looking for me, I am here. I decided to set up an 'just in case' blog.... well, just in case <g>. I don't know if I will end up moving over there, or if I will keep my Journal here. I KNOW that I would prefer to stay here, but I am waiting for the outcome of the great BANNER AD DEBATE. When AOL lets us know exactly what is going on with the ads, and what is (and is not) going to be done, I will make a final decision.

You know, funny enough, it is not the ad itself that bothers me so much. I don't much care for how it looks, but it quickly scrolls off the page as I read a journal, so it's not really the ad... It's the principal of the whole thing. In fact, if AOL gave me a couple of options in regard to the advertising, I would probably be, if not happy, at least resigned.

What options?? Well, for starters I would like to be able to decide who is (and is not) advertised on my journal. For instance, say I work for X agency and I mention them occasionally in my journal. I definitely don't want an advertisement for Y agency, who happens to be a direct competitor, at the top of my journal! Also, the placement of the advertisement. Could I be given an option of ... oh, I don't know... maybe top of the page, bottom of the page, smaller ad in the side bar. Maybe a choice of static or animated. I know some of my readers are still on dial-up, and I worry about the number of pictures I use without also taxing their connection with a flashing banner at the top of my journal (which probably loads first <grumble>)

I don't think any of these things are unreasonable! For the time being, I am planning not to post here, but to post at the alternate site I have set up here. Once the dust settles I will make a final decision... and frankly I can't tell you at this point what it will be <huge sigh>


Anonymous said...

Please stay.  I beg you, buddy.  Please stay.


Anonymous said...

I too have my 'just in case' journal.  Go ahead and laugh at me.  I'm feeling well, not guilty, but slimey?  Too strong a word.  I'm both places, and suspect I'll stay that way.  It's the continued technical difficulties I am having here that are keeping me there in the short term.  It is the absolute feeling of mistreatment that has me most annoyed about the ads.  

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing a bang up job educating members not to click on the ads. In unity there is strength. You go!!!

Anonymous said...

I, too, am very unhappy with the intrusive AOL Banner and have stuck a "PS" note at the top of my Journal to let readers know I didn't stick it there -- and, in so many words, that I don't support it.  

And, like you, I have been working on creating another Blog/Journal elsewhere.  Will I take my CWD Journal elsewhere?  That depends upon AOL.

Thanks for posting your thoughts on this.
"in the works" ...