Saturday, May 12, 2007

Late Weekend Assignment! Weekend Assignment #163: "Take a Picture of Your Local Weather."

I don't always do John's weekend assignments, but I had every intention of doing this one... I mean,  hard could it be to take a picture of some weather and post it?? AND we were having some really cool sunsets because of the smoke.....

Smoke, you say... What smoke? Well, it seems that we have a bunch of wildfires in Georgia and northern Florida, and while I am not anywhere physically near any of these fires, the winds have been blowing a lot of smoke our way. This smoke makes the sun a gorgeous red color as it goes below the horizon each night. Simple enough.. go outside at the end of the day and take a picture of the red sun... Yeah, right! It actually took me 4 days of trying before everything came together for me to get the shot. See, I do a barn check at about the time the sun is setting and by the time I walk back and grab the camera... Sun is below the horizon line!.. and then we had rain one night, and on the first night I noticed the red sun I was actually in the truck coming home......... Yeah, it took me a while to pull it all together.. LOL!

Red Sunset

Better Late than Never I guess.... I present for your pleasure... my weather! And, even with John's 'extension' I still didn't get it over there fast enough to be included. Eh! Maybe next week....



Anonymous said...

well it looks beautiful to me!... just so long as the smoke stays far away

Anonymous said...

Very nice!

Anonymous said...

my mom mentioned the smoke on their drive from Florida - how weird!  great pic though :-D

Anonymous said...

Just as long as you and your brood are safe from fire -- you are, right?


Anonymous said...

A very pretty picture.  I am trying to think what to photoshoot that starts with b.  His bee was good.  Our weather is basic sunshine here with only a few variations. Gerry