Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Is it Over Yet?

Look, entries in my Journal! I was beginning to think I would never have time again. Since Thursday my life has been going at full speed ahead and d#mn the torpedos. Thursday thru Sunday I worked at Howl-O-Scream and next weekend will be the same. Four days of 8 hours of wailing at people nonstop is waaaaay more wearing than you think. Plus, my SO's days off are Thur, Fri and Sat, and he thinks he deserves some attention also!

Thursday we visited a friend at his job. We spent the morning with him, and although the baby ellys were adorable, and it was great to see him.... I was tired when I went to work! Friday was fairly quiet thank goodness.

Saturday (after only 4 hours of sleep <shudder>) we had to go pick up my motorcycle from my brothers and take it to the shop. My brother and boyfriend had decided they could save me some money by changing my oil for me. I -always- take the bike to the shop for any maintenance, but money was tight, sooooo now I have a crack in the casing of my heads. Me thinks it would have been cheaper to have had the oil changed professionally! Anyway, picked up bike, visited, took bike to nice Harley dealer who thinks he can aluminum weld it. This may lead to another entry with me crying over no more motorcycle...we'll see. Anyway, home just in time to go to work and scream at more people. The park was PACKED. There were very few breaks in the line, and by 2 am my throat was sore.

Sunday my SO had to go to work at 5am, so I waited up till he left, then... Sleep, blessed Sleep! I got to sleep for 7 whole hours. Bliss! Another 8 hours at work, wait up for boyfriend to get up so I can say Hi and prepare for bed. Thankful I have the next three days off. Unfortunately, the raspy throat that was a nuisence when I fell asleep was a roaring sore throat when I woke up 4 hours later. As the afternoon progressed I lost the ability to swallow past the lump in my throat, started to ache all over and just looking at food made me nauseous. Hello Nasty Cold! I guess between yelling/wailing at people, going from it's hot outside at 5pm to it's cold at 2am, and lack of sleep, all caught up with me. My SO came home and took me to Wal-Mart so I could get juice, jello, throat lozenges, Dayquill <LOL>.

Over the weekend I only scanned the bulletin boards (including the Journal one) and read/answered e-mail that needed attention (such as Journal alerts <g>). Sooo, I had 120 e-mail, untold bulletin board posts across several boards, the weekend assignment which I hadn't even thought about, and the fact that I hadn't made one entry in my Journal.

Next week looks like a carbon copy of this one, minus the trip to my brothers, but the week following it is worse! Time to find my next part-time job <yuch!> I don't want to take on a full time gig until a position comes along in my field, so I find myself looking for something to both occupy my time and bring in a few bucks. The Howl-O-Scream gig was/is fun, maybe I can find something X-mas related.....

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