Wednesday, October 20, 2004

JibJab has a Blog!

I know everyone by now has seen JibJab's cartoons "This Land" and "Good to be in DC". These guys are great, but would you be surprised to know they have a blog? Well, they do. It tells a little about what happens to two guys who make a little political cartoon to attract some attention and maybe even land a job with an advertising company...... and it turns into a National, even International phenomenon.   The site used to have a few more of their cartoons, but I was just over there this evening and it currently only has the 2 shorts listed. You can still watch the cartoons for free, but they are trying to sell you the option of buying a download of one or both of them for your computer, or buying them on DVD. I was a little disappointed about the other missing cartoons, they were cute, but there are some free downloadable desktop wallpapers over there if you would like them.


Anonymous said...

My kids are so hooked on JibJab.  You know, if they did a video on American History my kids might actually pass the class!  They have JibJab memorized... that and the WMD one (and Austrailia is like WTF?), but can't remember to bring home their homework.

Anonymous said...

i love jib jab too. I was watching it just before i started surfing for journals to read. lol. i am hooked.
