Monday, December 6, 2004

A Present for Cindy Lou Who...



At this time of the year, I go out looking for presents. Whether it be for Christmas, Winter Solstice Celebration, Kwanzaa, Hanukah... whatever, for me this is not just the time of year to buy a present for people, but the perfect present.... Or, at least an appropriate one <g>. Sometimes the perfect present is a little beyond my reach financially. Sometimes I search and search for the present, and sometimes it jumps right out at me, practically falling in my lap. But, the fun is in the search, and the thinking about the person.

With the thought of finding an appropriate present for Little Cindy Lou, I was just about to fire up my Search Engine and venture out into that vast wasteland that we call the Internet. She has been so patient, waiting her turn. And, like magic, what should appear in my e-mail, but the Perfect Cindy Lou present. Just as The Grinch's fit him so well, so too does Cindy Lou's fit her. Cindy Lou would like to Save Christmas, and this little game will give her  a chance. Go here and check it out. Together we can save Christmas from the Evil Artificial Trees... but be careful and don't hit an elf!!


Just as a side note, I actually have an artificial tree. I like to put my tree up pretty early, and I always worry about the fire hazard with a real tree that becomes dried out. But, I remember as a child going to my grandparents and how they would wait till the weekend before, give or take, to go and purchase a real Christmas tree. It made the whole house smell good.

I was mentioning to G a few days ago that I loved that smell, and we got to talking about Christmas trees. My mother bought a (at the time) expensive artificial when I was around 7 or 8 because, like me, she liked to decorate the whole house starting the day after Thanksgiving. That's where my tradition of putting up the tree on Thanksgiving night, or at least over that weekend, comes from. It was a perfect solution because Mom had the two little helpers to decorate the house and tree, and it was a project that she could use to keep two hyperactive children occupied over a long weekend. We had that tree for many, many, many years. In fact, I got that tree from my mom when I moved out on my own and I actually used it for 3 years myself <g>.

I asked G about his tree, and he told me that his mom got one of the silver artificial trees when they were all the rage. Remember the ones? They came with one of those disks that you shined on the tree that had the 4 colors on them and rotated. I laughed and said that I remembered them, but since my mom made our artificial last so long I was very glad that we got one that looked like a real tree (and it really did, you couldn't tell till you got close up). He looked at me a little strange, and then started laughing. Seems that he was little when they got that tree, and he remembers it going up every year until he was in his teens and went off to join the Navy!!<g>


graphics by & Useless graphics


Anonymous said...

Don't spend a lot of time looking for my gift. Cash will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...thank you so much...from the bottom of my heart...Cindy Lou Who!

Anonymous said...

OK, my 7 year old LOVED the snowball game - she hit the elves on purpose just to hear them say "oh no you didn't"  Thanks for the link ;-)  - Kelly

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you visited me.....I remember the silver I need to break down and get an artificial tree...these days they look so real!


Anonymous said...

I love them smell of a real tree.  Was hoping to pick it out with family last night but it was raining here.  I do remember those silver trees.  Eeeeks!

Anonymous said...

Hello there! Just wanted to thank you for your recommendation of the book "The five people you meet in Heaven." I really enjoyed it, and actually teared up at the end and that DOESN"T happen very often for me while reading a book! It only took an evening to read and I would recommend it myself. There really isn't a huge religious overtone which I was afraid of, but instead very thought provoking. Let me know if you had a chance to get the book yet!
Thanks again

Anonymous said...

My grandparents had the silver tree with the color wheel.  I thought it was so icky.  But last weekend I was out and saw aluminum trees in all shades and colors.  They were so adorable I wanted to buy the lavendar one.

Oh how our tastes change.  I like to visit other homes with real trees.  That way I get the experience, and they get the needle cleanup.  ;o)

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

On the very edge of my first xmas memories  is one of those silver Jetson's trees that was decorated  decorated with shiny blue ball ornaments. I hated it because you can't put lights on those things (or so I was told).  Those things go for big bucks at vintage shops these days.

Anonymous said...

The artificial trees nowadays look real. You can even buy a pine spray to spray them with. I finally bought one two years ago because I got sick and tired of plunking $$ for a real tree.  I like to decorate early too. If you get a real one after Thanksgiving it will be all dried out by Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I too remember the silver aluminum foil trees and the multi-colored light thing-eee.

Does that make me old?

cute entry!

For family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Angie that makes you old!
I too remember those silly aluminum trees with the revolving colors, so we're all in good company!
Thanks for the memories, Astaryth...

Anonymous said...

last year I got the fake tree and it is prelite and spins around my kids call it the ballerina tree they love it. and it is so easy I love putting it up

Anonymous said...

Gonna go play the game...I will be back to let you know what happened. :)
SHARON~Gotta help Cindy Lou

Anonymous said...

Went and killed as many artificial trees as i could and accidently killed an elf....sorry. My score was 5200, I think that's pretty good shootin'  hehehe

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing those silver trees when I was young with the colored lights. What a memory. !!!!!!!! I think one thing we can give is time. My girls and I go visit the eldery and they love your time. Often that is more costly to us than money. We are so rushed and busy but its worth more than money can buy to see thier shinny faces. !!!!!!!!! Lori

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yessssssss all the rage were those silver, artificial trees with the rotating lights. In my teens we rescued some of those lights and used them for ... umm other means... makes quite a psychedelic scene on bedroom walls bouncing off reflective materials. LOL We still have the artificial tree we got when our little daughter begged us to get one and "save the forests." She's now in college and the tree still goes up and looks just fine.

Speaking of special gifts, I have a special holiday entry at my place, when you get a spare mo... please feel welcome and partake. My gift from me to you. Hope you enjoy. Take care.

PS... I saw your link at Monica's place. Love your journal.