Sunday, September 17, 2006

Viva la VIVI

Well, it looks like we are having the VIVI's again this year thanks to Jackie over at Hope Floats! She has set up a special Journal, 2006 VIVI AWARDS, and is getting everything organized for what will surely be a fun time. This year the awards are being dedicated to Pam, who holds a special place in this community and in many of our hearts!

The VIVI's are a community project and, besides giving some recognition to some outstanding journals, is a whole lot of fun. Last year I found soooo many new Journals to read. This is a semi-problem as I already spend waaaaay too much time reading and not enough time posting <LOL> Right now they are looking for people to submit links from their favorite journals so people can get a chance to look at them. So, get over there, submit some links and find some amazing new people to read.....

Oh, and just a suggestion.... If you don't already use something like Bloglines, or MyAOL, or some other feed aggregator..... you might want to get one, your reading list is about to go thru the roof <eg>


Anonymous said...

You are the second blogger to mention this.  I'm so clueless.  I didn't even make it to the big anniversary part.  Frown.


Anonymous said...

Using Newsgator now. It is so much easier than Bloglines!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy they are dedicating it to Pam...