Monday, October 25, 2004

Weekend Assignment #30

Weekend Assignment #30

"Assignment:  What gone, but not forgotten, TV series do you miss the most?
Extra Credit:
  If you had to be on a game show or reality show, which one would it be?"

Wow.... that's a hard one. It seems that I like a lot of non-mainstream stuff. What to choose? Buffy, The Vampire Slayer, Hercules, Xena? None of these have been off the air long to be missed, and you can still catch them at odd times....Kolcheck, The Night Stalker? Remember that one? I used to watch it at Midnight on Friday nights. Anything Star Trek, of course. Then there was Battlestar Galactica and more recently Farscape... What to Choose?  

Finally I settled on not one, but two. I couldn't choose. One story got to complete it's story arc, the other just left us wondering if our heroine ever solved her mystery. My choices are....

Envelopes Please...  

First, Babylon 5 ,which completed it's planned 5 year story arc. This was a wonderfully complete universe. It spawned not only the series, but several movies, and a set of book tie-ins that filled in back stories. They explored a lot of issues and it was very interesting how everything started out kind of Black and White, but by the end you found yourself seeing all kinds of shades of gray. Characters and species were given plenty of depth and the episodes were a nice mix of continuing story and episodes that were complete in themselves.  

Second was a show very few of you will have heard from, and I was soooo disappointed when they stopped production without tying up all of their loose ends...::Opens Second Envelope:: VR5! The title stood for Virtual Reality 5. It started out a little shaky, but was settling down into a nice story arc when Blammo they canceled it. I believe that this show too could have explored issues in a way that could make people think without hitting them in the head with them, but it never got it's chance to fulfill it's potential.


Anonymous said...

What about Earth2? There's a show I thought had a ton of potential, but in the end was just poorly written.

Anonymous said...

Paul: Yeah... I thought Earth2 had potential...but again it didn't stay on long enough to find it's legs... that happens quite often with Sci-fi shows, or any show that wants you to think AND remember what happened last week <g>