Sunday, December 26, 2004

A late Christmas Update

Yep, I know it's already the day after Christmas... actually, as I look at the clock on my computer, it is almost the day after the day after Christmas <bg>.

Wednesday night I made fudge to give out as presents to friends and G's co-workers. After Previewcounting up how many people there was, I went to Wal-Mart and bought all of the ingredients, and proceeded to make 15 pounds... yes, pounds... of fudge. I made 9 pounds of chocolate (the most requested), and 6 pounds of Peanut Butter (my personal favorite). This is a recipe that has been passed down from my Gram, to my mom, to me. People seem to like it. I have one friend who asks that I not buy her anything, that I just bring her a whole batch (3 pounds) of the chocolate fudge <LOL>. It's actually a pretty easy recipe. The secret is that you don't skimp on the ingredients. Good butter. No off brand Chocolate or peanut butter. Real Vanilla....

See this beautiful wrapping job and the nice bow? Well, G had my present wrapped at the mall, so I wouldn't get a chance to peek. Did I mention that hePreview didn't get my present till Thursday when we were out delivering fudge to friends and his co-workers? He announces on the way home that we need to stop at the mall so he can 'pick something up'. My eyes must have gone 3 sizes bigger... The Mall... On the day before Christmas Eve... at 3 in the afternoon????? Was he nuts??? Apparently, he was. So, we made a stop at the mall. As you can imagine, it was mayhem. But, kind of fun for me as I was finished with my shopping and just hanging out.

It used to be a tradition for me to pick up a dated ornament each year for my tree before I went on Previewthe road. So, I found a couple while I was waiting. They were buy one, get one 1/2 price. Since I found 3 I wanted <g>, I picked out a fourth one so that I could add it to my brother and SIL's present as I wasn't sure about the afghan! The pictures of the ornaments in this entry are the 3 I picked for my tree.

G. and I went to my brother's on Christmas Eve for everyone to open up their gifts. It was nice being around everyone. I was a little worried that the
afghan I was giving my brother and SIL wouldnt match their living room, or that they wouldn't like it, but my worries were unfounded. It found an immediate place on the back of the couch, and matches very well. Everyone kept going on about how soft it was (I had found some really soft thread in muted colors), and how heavy <LOL>. There is an awful lot of yarn in that thing. Instead of one strand, I held 3 strands as I made it. I meant to get a picture, but forgot... I'll do it next time I'm over Previewthere. My brother video tapes the kids opening their gifts, and has since they were small. He and I took turns videoing the opening of the presents so he could open his too.

We took my presents to G with us to my brother's, but he wanted me to open mine at home later, which is what I did. It turned out to be 2 satin pajama sets. One a pretty royal blue short (mid thigh) nightie with spaghetti straps and a robe. The other was a black pants/shirt set. They were very pretty... And I love them... (but, I am a Geek, and I would have loved ZooTycoon2 also <LOL>)

I got G 2 movies (Arthur and Shrek2), a game for his PS2 (an older one so it wasn't $50 <sigh> ) called Champions of Norrath, a lady bug massager for his back that vibrates (to save my fingers <LOL>), and a bottle of Drakkar cologne (which I love the smell of!). My brother got him the Star Wars gift box with the first 3 movies remastered on DVD (Actually episodes 4, 5 & 6 for those of us who are geeks <g>). Oh, here's a cute note. My brother and family got us 2 joint presents -- a set of pretty blue dishes, and two of the cutest piggy banks (one a tiger for me and an elephant for G. --I'll post pictures one day). But, only G got a present to himself <LOL> They are MY family! But, they just love G to death.
Morgan, went with us on Christmas Eve, and we have the video to prove it. She tried to help everyone with their presents. The Santa Moose picture in this entry was one of her presents... Isn't he cute?? He squeeks, and his legs are stretchy.

Christmas Day, G had to work. He had volunteered so that one of his co-workers, who has 2 little (4 and 18 months) girls, could be home with his family. When he got home we went over to my brother's and had our Christmas Dinner... MMMMMMmmmmm! And my SIL made everything from scratch, unlike
my Thanksgiving Meal <LOL>. She and my brother between them are actually very good at making this type of meal. Hey, I never claimed to be domestic!

Today, G. was really sick. He went to work, but returned in a couple of hours. Poor thing. So, he's been sleeping and watching his movies today. (Wish he would open his game... I want to play <LOL>). Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow

sidenote: As I moved this from my Test Journal over here to my 'real' Journal, I realize that it is 5 minutes after Midnight... So, it IS the day afer the day after Christmas <LOL>


Anonymous said...

Ohhh Drakkar >yum< that brings back memories of one of my we say boyfriends (and I use that term loosely....maybe if I put my brain to it I'll come up with a name?)  Sounds like your Christmas turned out picture perfect :-)

Anonymous said...

A bug massager, huh?  Don't have to use your hands, huh?
 If I could figure out how to do THAT ... I'd still be in the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a very Merry Christmas,
glad your brother liked his afghan.
              *** Coy ***


Anonymous said...

Test Journal? Now THAT is a smart idea!

The ornaments story reminds me of one that my mom shared this Christmas, too. You've inspired me to write about that in my own journal, unless I can convince mom to write about it in hers heh.

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if you had a wonderful Christmas! I can't believe you made 15 pounds of fudge! Still getting over that amount lol.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your Christmas was wonderful!  Lucky recipients on the fudge.  I love fudge, but only the chocolate ones.  Hope G gets to feeling better before the New Year comes and that you don't catch it~

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Sorry G isn't feeling well. I hope it's over soon.  I just finished reading about your Thanksgiving meal.  I think you and I are the same type of cooks. Believe me it almost killed me Saturday when I was trying out three new recipes which seemed to have no shortcuts! Geez

Happy Holidays


Anonymous said...

Drakkar is a great cologne, but a little goes a long way!  I once sprayed to much on myself while wearing a shirt that held the scent through about four washings.  It's some very strong stuff!  Russ

Anonymous said...

You do the same thing I do...always do my test journal first then move it only to find out it isn't the date because it's the next day. (does that make since?)   :)     I've done that several times.

Loved your little ornaments...and it sounds like you had a great Christmas. Your fudge sounds yummy! My mouth is watering now. :D
Need fudge..fudge...fudge...fudge...


Anonymous said...

Fudge, yummmmm! Glad you, G, and your family had a great Christmas. Hope G feels better soon. There is a flu virus going around in my hometown. I had it last week and I still have sore throat.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you on the fudge -- real stuff, no skimping!  And those ornaments are so pretty.  I like to get a special dated ornament too, but I wait until the day AFTER Christmas, LOL, the same day I buy next year's cards.

Walter sends Morgan holiday sniffs!  Sounds like all of you had a great Christmas.

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've had a wonderful holiday!

Anonymous said...

One of my most cherished Christmas gifts from Christmas past in an afgan my Aunt made me while she was dealing with cancer treatments.....she passed away after the holidays and I just love that afgan....comforts me as well as keeps me warm. My middle daughter has just started far just a bunch of irregular scarves but she's improving and doing more than I could ever do. I just made long chain after long chain! lol Someone mention chocolate fudge?? lol

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays!


Anonymous said...

sounds like a marvelous holiday. judi

Anonymous said...

LOL I loved the way you described going to the mall. Too funny, it looks like you survived to still enjoy Christmas. It sound like it was a wonderful time for you and your family. You know, thats ALOT Of fudge, I mean, WOW.......sugar highs for everyone.

Anonymous said...

BTW, your getting pretty fancy with the pictures there.......are you giving lessons? :o)

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter fudge is my favorite, too... I just learned the secret of using real vanilla a few weeks ago, I was out of my imitation vanilla and had to borrow some from my grandma next door, she sent over this verrrry expensive real vanilla...and I turned out the best candy I had ever made! Who knew?

Thanks for the encouraging comment you made in my journal, I really appreciated it!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and say {{{{{HAPPY NEW YEAR}}}}}


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a lot of fudge!  It must be really yummy to get that many requests.

The ornaments are all adorable, how can anyone mind receiving any of them?  =P