Thursday, November 18, 2004

Thanksgiving Dinner At Our House



First, let's get something straight, I know how to cook, sort of... but, it mostly consists of things like soup or grilled cheese or one of those boxed dinners that comes with everything in them (now, THAT was a genius idea <g>).

One of my explanations to people is that if it requires more than three steps -- It's Cookin'!  See following example:

1. If you take a pop tart and crumble it up....

2. Then put it in the microwave for 3 seconds (And that is Seconds, not Minutes....another story <eg>)

3. And then when it comes out you pour milk over it..  Well, That's Cookin'! See Three step Rule.

Ok....with the above information common knowledge in our house, how did I end up hosting Thanksgiving Dinner?????????

I'll tell you how. G is a chef. No really, he has a BA in Culinary Arts. So every so often he gets a wild hair and decides to make a "meal". Now, I cringe when this happens as it always means two things: One, he'll need things (like strange spices <g>), that we do not have in my kitchen, and Two: that there will be a huge mess and dirty dishes and pans everywhere.

Sooo, 2 weeks ago, G announces to my brother and his wife that they should come over to our house for Thanksgiving. Oh, and not to bring anything as he was taking care of the whole meal!

Well, everything sounds just peachy now, doesn't it. Sure it does, but nothing ever goes smoothly at our house <LOL>. On our trip back home I broached a couple of "concerns" to G.

"Ummmm, hon.. with us, my brother, his wife, his 3 kids, and the oldest (who'll be home from Navy basic) is bringing his girlfriend... that's like 8 people" 

"Yeah, So?" he grumbles, sounding slightly irritated.

"Well, not to be pessimistic or anything, but we only have the Couch  & Love seat...That's enough seating for 5 people...." I offer this information with my best I'm not being irritating, but what were you thinking voice <g>.

 "Oh, it'll be fine, we'll use your folding chair from the computer and the bar stools...that's 8!" He anounces, obviously proud of both his math and organizing skills.

 "Oh... O.K." I agree feebly, hoping that no one shows up unexpectedly.

The next problem rears it's ugly head the next day. G announces "Baby, I may have to work for a couple of hours on Thursday Morning next week.." 

"Oh, No... that's Thanksgiving and YOUR cooking." I say with that don't you dare growl in my voice.

"Well, you may have to handle it.." He states, oblivious of the daggers I am shooting at him out of my eyes.

<grumble> <grumble> Yeah, well, I handled it all right!

I went to the HoneyBaked Ham Co. and I ordered the HoneyBaked Perfect Gift. We will be having Ham, Turkey, Au Gratin Potatoes and Green Been Casserole. I pick it all up on Monday HA!

Now, I'll just have to run to the store and get paper  plates with turkeys on them, couple of 12 packs of soda, all the stuff to make my fudge for before dinner snacking, and a cheesecake sampler for dessert. Hey, maybe I'll even pick up one of those party platter/snack trays! So, since I handled dinner does that mean that G has to handle super cleaning the house for guests?? Yeah, Right!



Anonymous said...

I love it !!!!!! You have learned the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Let the store do all the work instead of staying up for 2 days and a night cooking and by the time you get it all on the table the last thing you want to do is eat it because you are so tired from shopping cleaning and cooking. After you can't eat from being so tired the only thanks you can give is the one where you lay your poor limp body on the bed. It took me many holliday meals to learn hey the grocery store will do it all for you. It's the cats meow !!!!!! You Go It really rocks the way you have it planned and everyone will love it also. Happy Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

hi there..i am new to your journal..i am not even sure how i stumbled upon it! i loved this sounds so like a typical man! he makes all the arrangements and then backs out at the last minute! i love it! it sounds like u handled it perfectly though! i wish i would have thought of such a great menu idea! how easy!! hope u have a great thursday and i will defnately be back!


Anonymous said...

If I were you guys, I'd start cooking that crap right now!  Either that or pull off a Martha Stewart! ... inform all your relatives you'r being sent to prison.

 A GREAT journal entry, BTW.  I was LITERALLY laughing my morning coffee though my nose!

Anonymous said...

Crumble poptart in bowl, nuke in microwave for 3 seconds, add milk - i believe this is going to be my new favorite breakfast!

Anonymous said...

Great thinking!  I'm with you on the cooking!  Opening a pop tart package, breaking it to pieces and popping it in the toaster IS cooking--I'll support you on that idea any day!  Good luck with the Thanksgiving dinner.

Anonymous said...


thanx much for the comment!

I luv ur many kewl pics and stuff!

Well i would write more but im in kinda a hurry so i have to go!

Thanx again!


Anonymous said...

My compliments to the chef <you> Just make sure you put it all in your favorite serving bowls and most certainly take credit for it!

Anonymous said...

Perfect solution!  I love the food from HoneyBaked Ham Com.  Think you could handle another guest...and her daughter, heck we'd even sit on the floor!  Just playing with you, Happy Thanksgiving!  
We had a Thanksgiving Dinner yesterday at work, it was great....even better, I brought the my usual dish, Spinach Dip, and not only did I have some leftover to eat with Trisquits, I didn't have to clean up and wash dishes....I hated that chore as a kid, especially at Thanksgiving.  Let us know next week how your dinner party went.

Anonymous said...

When I was first married I really did not know how to cook. But now, 10 years later, I do alright. Actually pretty damn cook I must say. I really like to cook now, well, I like to eat too!
Thanks for the help with the journal. Aol didn't boot me though, I booted myself trying to get to and IM my friend sent and clicked the wrong X. Could the Ctrl A thing help me there?

Anonymous said...

What a hoot! Grab yourself some fresh fall flowers from the supermarket while you are at it...will make a lovely centerpiece  between the sofa and the love seat. If someone no shows you could set them on a stool! Great journal! ~Robin *oh and pixiedust wasnt kidding...she will eat that for breakfast everyday now and she might even try to take it to a pot luck!

Anonymous said...

How convenient for G!  LOL  You handled it well and have it all under control.  Get a couple big pillows to throw on the floor, they are always comfortable.  I'm sure the family won't mind the lack of seating.  Just being together is what matters most!

Anonymous said...

Oh hey!  If Hubby'd pulled that "You'll have to handle it" on me, man, I'd be going ballistic!  You're a really good sport.  :)

Somehow, I'm doing Thanksgiving here too.  But, it's just Hubby and the kids, so it's more like, y'know, dinner.  No one expects the turkey to be done at the same time as the potatoes, so I'm good.

I gotta try that Pop-Tart thing!  Never heard of it before, and I'm sure the kids will love it!  I'm a Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tart junkie, so that'll be good.  You do know about the other Pop-Tart meal?  1)  Remove Pop-Tart from wrapper.  2)  Put Pop-Tart in toaster.  3)  When it pops up, spread butter on it.  3 steps, so it's cooking.  ;)

Thanks for stopping by my journal and for leaving the link to yours.  I love it!  I'll definitely be back.  :)

Anonymous said...

I've been a bit slow getting around the journals this last week! Love this entry! Hope you did get your other half to "swap" jobs!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great thanksgiving......... loved the turkey graphic. judi