Friday, November 5, 2004

E-mails, Journals, Bulletin Boards, Oh My!

Wow, It's been a long time since I've had a chance to sit down and write in my Journal. I've written several entries in my head over the last week, and I plan to get them into written form sometime <LOL>. I get a lot of inspiration from the Journal Board and of course other Journals. Why have I been so quiet? Wellll.......  

First, I managed to get sick the week before Halloween. Now normally that wouldn't be a problem... But, normally I don't spend several hours with my head hanging down wailing at people <eg>. Of course, the last two weekends of October were BIG ones for Howl-O-Scream, and we worked Thurs thru Sunday both weekends. Since I didn't feel well, I basically worked and slept and took medicine for those four days.   

Monday comes and now things should calm down. I'm feeling better, off the meds, but, no..... my SO volunteers me to rescue a friend. He's currently working near here and has no transportation. Since he is living at the place he is working, and it's in the middle of nowhere, he was desperate to get away. So, I pick him up, bringing him to my boyfriends place of work (a zoo, so we had fun), and afterwards he took us both out to dinner. By the time I drove him the hour back home and came home myself I was again exhausted. Went on AOL just long enough to check e-mail for mail from family, cringed at the number of other e-mails there and went to bed.  

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent catching up on e-mail (where does all of it come from????). This takes a while as I have several alerts set up for Journals and other things. After slogging thru e-mail, I was on to bulletin boards. One look at those and I wanted to crawl in a hole <LOL>. The only board I had popped on and read over the weekend had been the Journal board (and the not-journal one). One board I usually read had over 1000 messages. After shuddering, I went thru and marked almost every board as read! I glanced thru and read any strings I was particularly interested in, but now was not the time to be squeamish! Also, on the Journal board I had to read some journal entries I couldn't pass up... you know how it is! And of course, I do have a real, non-Internet life that has to be attended to.  

How did it get to be Thursday already? Today is my boyfriends day off, and we had errands to run and he does demand some attention be given to him, silly man! So, now it's 3am and here I sit, writing an entry to explain why I haven't written an entry <ROFL>.  

Tomorrow, or actually today as it is early in the am, is Friday and I have the sad duty of going and handing in my employee ID card so I can pick up my last check WHAAAAAA! Now, I'm unemployed again. I spent a little time printing out resumes on Wed and plan to resubmit to some places, and check the paper this Sunday for part-time seasonal work. My paycheck, when I'm getting one, allows us to have extras... I like extras! So, I'll be doing the apply, interview, hope I got it thing for a couple of weeks. Unless I hit the lottery this weekend..Yeah, the lottery, that's the ticket! <pun intended>

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